In teams of 2 with one partner working at a time, complete the following…
3 Rounds for Time:
1000m Row/800m Run
30 Hang Power Snatches 95/65
30 Overhead Squats
30 Lateral Bar Burpees
Partners may partition the work however desired.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Week 3 of 6
Just over 1 week until our next Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop. Head over to the event page for more info!
Stella Z. in the New York Times Today!
Be sure to check out the crossword puzzle in today’s edition (Saturday) of The New York Times, which is the work of our own Stella Z.! Stella recently showed off some of her crossword puzzles at the CFSBK Art Show.
Maintain These Points of Contact for a Stronger Bench Press BarBend
How to Make Your Strength Routine Evidence Based Outside
The color commentary about the puzzle is great — awesome mention of Stella’s powerlifting and a link to the 2016 Iron Maidens coverage, no less. Congratulations Stella!
Congrats, Stella! I’m working on it now!
Fun partner workout with Mike today at Whit/Brett 11am.
25:56 at 65#. Chose to run rather than row. Did big chunks in the first round. More or less broke up the snatches evenly; I did a few more of the OHS; and Mike blazed through the majority of the burpees.