Crossbody Carry (Farmer + Overhead)
Warm up and work up to a challenging load on both sides, both ways. Use kettlebells and/or dumbbells. The bottom load should be on the heavy side and challenging but prioritize the overhead load, which should end up being be the limiter.
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Week 3 of 6
2 Rounds For Quality:
3:00 Bike/Row
3:00 of 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings + 5 Burpees
3:00 of 10 Alternating Suitcase Dumbbell Reverse Lunges + 10 V-Ups or Tuck-Ups
Aim to move continuously on each piece at a sustainable aerobic pace. To this end, choose loads that you can handle well and practice nasal only breathing.
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CFSBK: helping you jump off cliffs since 2007
1000 Days of South Brooklyn
Eduardo C. recently reached 1000 classes at CFSBK and sent this message to Coach David on the occasion:
I’m sure you hear this often but I wanted to shoot a quick note to say once again THANK YOU. The other day I was checking my payments in Zen Planner and happened to notice that I’ve taken 1000 CFSBK classes (!!) and I really want to thank you and the amazing coaching crew for each one of those classes.
It is not an exaggeration to say that joining CFSBK has fundamentally changed my identity: I used to think of myself as someone who was “good at math” and simply a lost cause regarding anything physical. I was the kind of person who would shy away from most physical activities (e.g. zip lining or jumping from a small cliff) because of embarrassment or fear that I would be the one in a million person that would NOT be able to coordinate a couple of steps and die a sure death 🙂
Since I joined CFSBK, I have not only learned “CrossFit” (starting with Air Squats which I was NOT able to do at first due to poor ankle mobility) but also learned how to swim in open water; I have done triathlons and trail races; played some volleyball and some tennis; run a marathon, tried Brazilian jiu jitsu, among others. I have also jumped from cliffs! Not to mention other things I have tried/started to learn (e.g. improv classes, Precision Nutrition coaching), which are not necessarily “physical” but I believe still related because what 1000 CFSBK group classes have truly taught me is that there is nothing I cannot improve/learn if I confidently put my mind and heart to it. All of that is even before considering the amazing CFSBK community which is now part of the fabric of my life.
For all the above, many many thanks. See you around.
Congrats, Eduardo. We’re so proud of you and all the other CFSBKers who have become more confident, more adventurous versions of themselves!
10 Nutrition Myths That Need to Die BarBend
Do Our Babies Need to Move More? NY Times
Love this Eduardo!
Congrats Eduardo!
But, Eduardo, are you still good at math?
sadly, Math was the trade off 🙂
I saw this and my first thought was to check my number. It’s 966. I’m coming for you Eduardo!
5 comments today….LETS BRING THIS BLOG BACK TO LIFE! Good stuff Eduardo!!
Srsly this place used to be poppin’!
Eduardo is the best!!!!!!!
ha! now I’ll have to cancel my vacation. won’t let you overtake, Underwood.
“all it takes, really, pressure and time.”