3 Position Hang Power Clean:
Every 2:00 Seconds for 7 sets
Aim to work sets across at about 60-75%, with the goal of no misses. Keep these crisp, focusing on timing and speed. Consider sloppy footwork or racking of the bar as misses. If you miss any set you must drop weight.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
4 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
1-2 Rope Climbs/Modified Rope Climbs
2-4 Wall Walks
8 Calorie Bike
16 Alternating No-Push-Up Renegade Rows
:30 Double Kettlebell Weighted Hollow Hold
Post work to comments.
Jay-Star, one of the 3rd place winners of last year’s Challenge. Read about his experience here!
The Challenge Begins Today!
The 2020 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our annual 10-week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits in the new year, starts today! We hope to help you in making some healthy changes to your diet and lifestyle in the coming months, and encourage you to help one another via community support. In signing up you’ve set an intention to act, and taken a small step toward the work involved to become an even better you during the year ahead. Our goal and sincerest hope is that you will use the challenge for create some structure around developing a few sustainable habits that will become part of your life for the long haul.
If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time to climb aboard the Challenge train! Complete the following steps by this Friday, January 17th to join us in developing healthier habits:
- Read the Challenge Overview
- Choose Level 1 or Level 2. Not sure? Choose Level 1. Most of us are Level 1 eaters!
- Register at the front desk or in the CFSBK Online Store.
- Sign your name on the big sign up sheet on the side of the fridge at 597 to tell everyone (including you) you’re in!
- Fill out the Pre-Challenge Entry Form
- Complete the Capacity WOD (which was programmed on 1/11/20, but can be made up) and record your score or record some other performance metric of your choice.
- Set up your Tracker (Be sure to read the instructions. If you have any trouble, please email me or see front desk staff for help!).
- Join the Facebook Group (search 2020 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge) to keep up with LFPB Challenge happenings and helpful discussions.
Again, even if you haven’t signed up yet, you still have until this Friday!
6 Essential Mindsets for Getting Back in Shape Breaking Muscle
What AI Says About the Perfect Running Stride Outside
I wasn’t planning on coming on Mondays this cycle (still not planning to make this a regular thing), but I did not make myself drag my butt to the gym yesterday so I felt like I needed to do it today. Glad I did because it was good to get some practice on the rope.
Power cleans: Of course I’ll do this again with Frankie telling me not to jerk my head and shoulders back very soon, but these felt pretty good?
Rope climb: I really need more practice coming down the rope. I find it so hard to feed the rope through my feet without losing it altogether, and then I’m just hanging there like a terrified cat in a tree who’s meowing for the fire department. Nick suggested I go a bit lower up the rope to just practice breathing and not tensing up when that happens (after all, if I lose my feet I can always get the hold back, just as when I’m climbing the rope) and this helped, although I still wouldn’t say courage is my strong point. 😛