A1) Close Grip Bench Press:
3 x 8 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.”
A2) Segmented Deadlift:
3 x 8 @ 3131
Tempo for these is @3131, read as: 1 second pauses at each of the 3 positions (1” > Knee > Mid-Thigh) > 1 second at full extension > 3 second eccentric/lowering to the floor > 1 second pause on the floor.
Post loads to comments.
Week 1 of 6
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
10/7 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Modify the Handstand Push-Ups to half volume and/or ROM to 1 AbMat, to Box Pike Handstand Push-Ups, or to heavy strict Dumbbell Presses as appropriate.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Kurt J. and CrossFit 11th Parallel
CFSBKer Captain Kurt Jamora appears in the video above to talk about his recent work in Somalia. We also asked him to fill us in on his work there with CrossFit 11th Parallel. Here’s what he had to say:
I worked in Somalia 7 months to support the transition of security and police responsibilities from unified action partners to the Federal Government of Somalia.
CrossFit 11th Parallel is an affiliate that is also a nonprofit. I was the Vice President (VP) of the volunteer-based coaching staff. Coached over 50 hours of classes, judged 2 x competitions, hosted a kettlebell movement workshop, and coordinated for two seasonal box parties to expand the sense of community for members. The members are deployed US service members (Army, Navy, Marines, & Air Force), international military personnel (UK, French, Italian, & Japanese to make a few), base employees, and supporting civilian staff.
All pretty cool stuff. Humbling past year. Ready to come home.
CrossFit South Brooklyn was known to a lot of the members of CrossFit 11th Parallel as a standard for other communities to model after. No surprise there.
Kurt will be back at the gym in late January. Give him a warm welcome home when you see him!
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Captain Jamor, Thank you for your service and we all can’t wait to see you back in the gym in a few weeks!
“Jamora” — sorry for typo.
Dang Kurt that’s impressive! Looking forward to seeing you back at the gym!