3-Position Power Snatch:
Every 2:00 Seconds for 7 Sets
Aim to work sets across at 60-75% with no misses. Keep these crisp, focusing on timing and speed. Press outs are misses. If you miss any set you must drop weight.
Post loads to comments.
Week 1 of 6
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
16 Walking Dumbbell/Kettlebell March
16 Alternating Wall Facing Shoulder Taps (or from box pike)
16 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
8e Side Plank Rotations
Post work to comments.
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Dates: M 1/6/20 – S 2/16/20 (6 weeks)
Objectives: To take advantage of all the movement quality improvements via time under tension and light loading in the previous cycle and begin moving some heavier weights using supersets and tempo with a hypertrophy (muscle building) focus. We’ll employ strength supersets done at a slightly faster tempo, and progressions in sets/reps allowing for a progressive build in load throughout the cycle. This cycle will dovetail into a peaking phase in the following cycle, which will culminate in a Powerlifting Total (3 attempts at a 1-rep max in the Back Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift). Conditioning will again be a mix of short, medium, and longer pieces throughout the week. Olympic lifting will also appear in metcons in addition to the dedicated day each week, and carries and single leg movements will be incorporated to build/maintain the structural support necessary to move bigger weights.
Monday: Olympic Lift + Lower Intensity Metcon (include Single-Leg Hinge)
EMOMs and Complexes, alternating exposures of power cleans and power snatches
Weeks 1, 3, 5: Power Snatch
Weeks 2, 4, 6: Power Clean
Tuesday: Superset Close-Grip Bench Press / Segmented Deadlift Superset + Medium Intensity Metcon
A1) Close-Grip Bench
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8 @ 3011
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5 @ 3011
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom, but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.”
A2) Segmented Deadlift
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3
Tempo for these is @3131, read as: 1 second pauses at each of the 3 positions (1” > Knee > Mid Thigh) > 1 second at full extension > 3 second eccentric/lowering to the floor > 1 second pause on the floor.
Wednesday: Back Squat / 3-Point Dumbbell Row Superset+ High Intensity Metcon
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8 @ 3011
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5 @ 3011
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce” in the Bench or torso movement in the Rows.
Thursday: Varied Carries + Lower Intensity Metcon (include Single-Leg Squat)
Week 1: Double Kettlebell Front Rack
Week 2: 1-Arm Farmer
Week 3: Crossbody (Farmer + Overhead)
Week 4: 2-Arm Farmer
Week 5: Mixed (Farmer + Front Rack)
Week 6: Mixed (Front Rack + Overhead)
Friday: Half-Kneeling Filly Press + Deadlift Superset + Medium Intensity Metcon
A1) Half-Kneeling Filly Press
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8 @ 3011
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5 @ 3011
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.” The isometric side does not have to increase week to week, but choose a challenging load.
A2) Deadlift
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8 @ 3111
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5 @3111
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3 @ 3111
Note the tempo has a 1 second pause on the floor, no touch-and-go.
Saturday: Partner/Interval Metcon
High/Medium Intensity
Sunday: Front Squat + Chin-Up Superset + Medium Intensity Metcon
Weeks 1-2: 3 x 8 @ 3011
Weeks 3-4: 3 x 5 @ 3011
Weeks 5-6: 5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.” For the Chins, add resistance or use band assistance that allows you to perform the reps at the prescribed tempo. As an alternative, perform Tall Kneeling Band Pulldowns. Keep your neck neutral and avoid “chinning” yourself over the bar. Instead, keep the focus on the lats by pulling the elbows back and down toward the hips. The cue to “pull the bar/band to your sternum” may be helpful here.
5 Powerful Lower Body Strength Routines Breaking Muscle
To Ease Climate Anxiety, Reconnect with the Rhythms of the Season Scientific American
Thanks for the great photo, Aaron!
Random question for the CFSBK hive mind… any recs for places that do particularly great tattoos (in either BK or the Hudson Valley)? I have a souvenir from the, uh, early 2000s 😬that I’m looking to update / expand post-baby and some new work I’d like to get done, too.
Foxes are big fans of Hudson Valley tattoo where Brian Faulk (past member) is at, or Jim Gentry from Hand of Glory (member and also the artist who does the CFSBK art shows). However, if there is a particular style you are looking to get, I am happy to send you some other recs! 🙂 I also have a list of cool women and nb artists too if you prefer.
Also member Stephen Lim is a tattoo artist and his studio is right by the gym!
YAYYYYYYYY for two squat days a week!!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes!!