The Airing of Grievances
QOD: What is a Grievance of yours from 2019?
The Feats of Strength
12:00: Heavy Single Dumbbell Turkish Get-Up
12:00 Heavy 100′ Farmers carry
The Festivus Miracles
Row Calories
The total Push-Ups in this workout is 75 reps. If high volume Push-Ups are difficult for you, cut the volume down to 8-12 reps per round for just the Push-Ups. Knee Push-Ups are also an option, but if you have strict Push-Ups opt for a rep scheme that allows you to work the mature version, even at lower volume.
The Sit-Ups can be scaled up to weighted Sit-Ups if you’d like.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 2
Holiday Schedule
Happy holidays from your friends at CFSBK! We’ll be running on a modified schedule for the next couple of days, but there will be plenty of opportunities to get your fitness on. We’ve also listed a couple of weekend cancellations below. Here’s what’s happening:
Here’s what you can expect:
Today, December 25th
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
9am-11am Open Gym
Cancelled: Everything else
Thursday, December 26th
Normal staffing and schedule from 8am onwards.
Cancelled: 6am CrossFit, 7am CrossFit, 4:30pm CrossFit Teens
Weekend Cancellations
Saturday 8am Strong Fit
Sunday 11am Active Recovery
The Story of Festivus YouTube
Ahhhh I wish I were there! This sounds super fun!
Grievance aired in Christmas Eve Short Circuit: tourists walking five abreast.