Choose an appropriate track to work on today.
Foundational Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 5 Compression Sit Ups to Pancake
A2) 5-7x :20 PVC Arch Hold
A3) 5-7 x :20 Active Bar Hang
Intermediate Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 5 Stall Bar Strict Straight Leg Raises or 5 Strict Toes-to-Bars
A2) 5-7 x :20 Weighted Arch Hold
Advanced Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 3-5 Straight Leg Raises (Toes-to-Hands) from a Rope Hang
A2) 5-7 x :20 Weighted Arch Hold
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Week 5 of 6
30 Minutes for Quality:
3 Paused Hang Power Cleans (pause for :02 in both the hang and receiving positions)
6 Front Squats
5-10 Kipping Toes-to-Bars
2:00 Row/Bike/Jog
The barbell work should be relatively light and unbroken. Focus on a close bar path and perfect receiving position on the Cleans, and on staying upright and stable on the Squats. Modify the T0es-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises or 2x Sit-Ups as needed. The Toes-to-Bars (or variant) should taken at a relaxed pace, allowing you focus on movement efficiency, and not on just getting the reps done. The intent of today’s conditioning is to stay out of the “pain cave” and to work at a sustainable and repeatable pace across the entire workout. Signs that you’re in the right zone are: consistent split times for rounds, a focused yet relaxed facial expression, and the ability to maintain nasal breathing throughout. These workouts should feel slightly easier that Tuesday’s intervals.
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January 12th: Yoga, Mindfulness, and Intention Setting Workshop
Join Sasha Slocombe and CFSBK Coach Chris Fox from 7pm – 8:30pm on Sunday, January 12th and start off 2020 with intention. By developing a connection between the body and breath, you’ll be able to come back to the breath when difficult times arise whether in yoga, CrossFit, or life. We’ll begin with a yoga flow – accessible to all levels of experience – before moving into breathwork, learning a few simple ways to work with your breath which can help bring you back to balance whenever and wherever you need it. We’ll also learn a simple full body relaxation technique that takes only moments and can be a very useful tool to have during times of stress or indecision.
Intention setting is more than making resolutions, more than wishing and hoping for things to change. What do you actually need to do to get there? What can you realistically do today that moves you closer to where you want to be? You’ll set an intention for action as you move forward into the coming year and beyond. Resolutions tend to be flimsy and negative, focusing on outcomes like “lose 10 lb.,” vague notions like “get in shape,” or things you want to stop doing like “eating carbs.” Today (and everyday) is an opportunity to ask yourself, “What do I want to have happen, and what steps must I take to get there?” Quit “shoulding” on yourself and start doing.
We’ll be meditating on a time when you were successful at overcoming an obstacle, no matter how small, and what practices helped you to do so. You’ll identify a goal for the future and begin to clarify for yourself not only how to get here but why it matters to you.
Please bring a yoga mat and writing materials of your own if you have them. We’ll have some mats to borrow as well, but likely not enough for everyone 🙂
This community workshop is free and open to all members and non-members with a suggested $20 donation.
This workshop will coincide with the start of the Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge, our yearly 12-week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits. We’ll have more info on that very soon!
News and Notes
- A note from Dr. Fidler: “Earlier this year I was able to professionally record an EP of some original songs I’d written with the help of some friends. Now it’s finally time to showcase them. And what better place to bare my soul than at The Delancey (168 Delancey Street) on Friday the 13th no less?! I hope to see you for some good tunes and good times! Remember to bring friends and tell the doorman you’re there to see Jason Drew! Go here for info.”
- The 2020 Dogs of CFSBK calendar features your favorite gym mutts! All proceeds go to @pupstarzrescue, a foster rescue started by our own Robyn O’Brien. PupStarz is a non-profit, 501(c)3, no-kill, volunteer dog rescue serving New York City and the Tri-State area. The wall calendar is available for a sliding scale donation of $30-60 or more. A limited number of calendars are on their way to the gym but they are sure to run out quick. The deadline for orders is Monday, December 16th. Go HERE to get one!
3 Great Ways to Improve Your Shoulder Mobility BarBend
The Unassuming Athletes Turned World Record Holders Morning Chalk Up
7 AM with Brettsey
I managed 8 unassisted dips per round! I don’t think I’ve ever been able to do that many for 3 sets before, so I guess this muscular endurance stuff really works! 😛
RDLs at 113. Switching to the yellow bar REALLY helped. I need to get better at pulling my shoulders back so Brett won’t be all, “Pause for a second while I give you a correction,” and I’m like “OMG holding the bar while you talk is worse than the actual reps!!!!” (To be clear: It is totally my own fault that this happens to me on the regular!)
WOD: 4 rounds + 2 reps, a whole lot of staring at the bar. I should’ve cut volume on the pullups. I did not realize how quickly they’d go away after just having worked my shoulders so hard on the dips and RDLs.
Exciting cryptic announcement: You should all get the New York Times print edition on Sunday and take a look at the Puzzle Mania section (which will not be available online). There’s a thing in there you should see!