A1) Matador Dip, Box Dip, or Leg Assisted Box Dip:
3 x 12-15 @ “Slower Down-Faster Up”
The “4121” tempo we’re using on strength work this cycle would be NO JOKE for dips, even at just bodyweight. Still, make sure to go slower on the down than the up on these. Use band assistance as appropriate or scale to a leg assisted box version to complete the sets unbroken.
A2) Romanian Deadlift
3x 12-15 @4121
Increase weight slightly from last week. Rest :30 between movements, 1:00 between sets.
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 6
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
6e Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk 50/35
9 Toes-to-Bars
12 Box Jumps 24/20
Modify the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Knee Raises, or Sit-Ups as needed. If scaling the box jumps, bias jumping to a lower box rather than stepping to a higher one.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Amanda gets the Jim Gentry treatment at the 2017 Art Show. There are still spots left to get tattooed by Jim at next Saturday’s Art Show. Go HERE to sign up!
Tomorrow: Canned Food and Coat Drive!
CFSBK will host a winter canned food and coat drive tomorrow. Bring a lightly worn winter coat or 5 cans of food to the gym and get one free class on us!
There is a limit of one free class per member during the drive, but you may donate as many items as you wish! The free class may only be redeemed on Saturday.
Coats will be donated to New York Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital to help those in need of warmth this winter. Canned food will go to CHIPS (right around the corner on 4th). Not going to be at the gym on Saturday but still want to donate? Donation bins will be out from this morning through Monday at noon!
9 Ways to Absorb Your Nutrients More Effectively BarBend
25 Again? How Exercise May Fight Aging NY Times
7 AM with Brett and Lynsey
I’ve missed a couple of the dip/RDL exposures so I didn’t really know where to go here. Ended up doing banded dips x12 and RDLs 93×12. I feel like my hammies can handle considerably more weight but my hands and forearms can’t!
WOD: 5 + 10 with kipping HLR. Glad I didn’t let myself scale the DB, I kind of wanted to.