Choose an appropriate track to work on today.
Foundational Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 5 Compression Sit-Ups to Pancake
A2) 5-7x :20 20 PVC Arch Hold
A3) 5-7 x :20 Active Bar Hang
Intermediate Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 5 Strict Straight Leg Raises or 5 Strict Toes-to-Bars
A2) 5-7 x :20 Weighted Arch Hold
Advanced Strength Building Superset:
A1) 5-7 x 3-5 Straight Leg Raises from a Rope Hang
A2) 5-7 x :20 Weighted Arch Hold
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 6
Partner AMRAP 20 Minutes
30 Power Cleans 135/95
30 Lateral Bar Burpees
30 Toes-to-Bars
Partners break up the reps however desired. The barbell weight should be medium-heavy, something you can move through sets of 5-10 reps. The Rx’d for the burpee is a two foot hop over the bar and a two foot landing. Modify Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg Raises, Hanging Knee Raises, or Si- Ups as needed. Choose an option that allows you to perform sets of 5-15 when fresh.
Pierre and Allie training to eat an entire Turkey while holding a squat.
We’re so grateful for our entire community of members and staffers here at CFSBK! For everyone heading out of the city, we’re sending out positive travel and relative vibes to you all. For anyone staying local, come on by to one of our classes today to feast on some fitness with awesome people before PRing your thanksgiving dinner.
Today’s Schedule
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
8am-11am Open Gym Membership
Cancelled: Everything else
How to Support Indigenous People on Thanksgiving VICE
Haha! I agree, Stella!
And yes, thanks CFSBK, for the health, fitness and community <3
Another reason I’m grateful— ran the turkey trot in Prospect Park today! No real training— turns out this 5k was actually 5 miles. I ran it no problem! (My husband, who does not do CrossFit, has a different story, lol)
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!
😂 was it listed as a 5k??
Thank you CFSBK! This space and community brings me happiness and struggle and a platform for positive change. You have made a great difference in my life, and I am grateful! Happy Thanksgiving.
That means the world to us!!! <3