Dip / Romanian Deadlift
A1) Matador Dip, Box Dip, or Leg Assisted Box Dip:
2 x 14-16 @ “Slower Down-Faster Up”
A2) Romanian Deadlift
2×14-16 @4121
The “4121” tempo we’re using on strength work this cycle would be NO JOKE for Dips, even at just bodyweight. Still, make sure to go slower on the down than the up on these. Use band assistance as appropriate or scale to a leg assisted box version to complete the sets unbroken.
Rest :30 between movements and 1:00 between sets.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 6
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10…
Dumbbell Deadlifts 50/35
Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
Dumbbell Front Squats
The barbell load should be on the medium heavy side for you. Aim to choose a load you can do unbroken through about the round of 5, scale as needed. Must come to full extension on the final Deadlift moving to the hang before beginning cleans, and on the final hang Power Clean before beginning Front Squats. Use a mature rack position for the Front Squats, one with a full grip on the handles and the back globe resting on the shoulders.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
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Open Intramural League Rankings: Final Results
Here’s our final edition of The Update Show for 2019. Coaches Keith, Brett, and David (who was heroically recovered from the park last week) wrap up the Open Intramural League and highlight some member and coach accomplishments. Just watch!
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average
1. The SMurphs: 21.45
2. Black Jacked: 22.88
3.The Pumpkin Spiced Lat-Days: 23.53
4. Muscle-Up Buttercups: 24.42
5. Tyrannosaurus Flex: 24.57
Huge congrats to longtime CFSBKer Bob S., who currently sits at 65th place worldwide in the 60+ Masters Division, and Coach Brittney, who ranks 285th among all women IN THE WORLD. Incredible! Here are CFSBK’s Open Leaderboards:
- Overall
- Women
- Men
- Women 35-39
- Men 35-39
- Women 40-44
- Men 40-44
- Women 45-49
- Men 45-49
- Women 50-54
- Men 50-54
- Women 55-59
- Men 55-59
- Women 60+
- Men 60+
Congrats to everyone who took part in the Open!
Kettlebell Windmill BarBend
Strength Training and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Starting Strength
7 AM with Brettsey
Leg assisted box dips x16, which was a little too easy but I know I don’t have 14 matador or box dips unassisted. Maybe next week I’ll try banded matador?
RDLs 63×16 per set. OMG, I still can’t feel my thumbs.
WOD: 8 rounds + 9 DLs. I think I might have lost count on one round of DB cleans so I’m going to asterisk that.
Excited to see what kind of partner workout action we have on Saturdays! I haven’t done Saturday group class in a while but a good partner WOD has been known to lure me away from Strong Fit and/or Short Circuit.