Turkish Get-Up / Rear Foot Elevated Romanian Deadlift Superset
A1) Turkish Get-Up:
3-4 x 4-6 Each Arm
A2) Rear-Foot-Elevated Barbell Romanian Deadlift:
3-4 x 8-10 Each Leg
Performed as a superset. Work up to a challenging set or two on each exercise.
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Week 4 of 4
Every Minute on the Minute x 20:
1) :40 Bike, Hard Effort
2) :40 Weighted Hollow Body Hold (scale up to Flutter Kick as able)
3) :40 Russian Kettlebell Swings
4) :40 Sandbag Hold
5) Rest
Post work to comments.
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Open Intramural League Rankings: Week 4 Results
In this week’s edition of The Update Show, Coaches Keith and Brett embark on a magical mystery tour to find Coach David. They also fill you in on the Open Intramural League standings and make some predictions about 20.5. Watch the shenanigans!
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average
1. The SMurphs: 21.9
2. Black Jacked: 23.18
3.The Pumpkin Spiced Lat-Days: 23.92
4. Muscle-Up Buttercups: 24.31
5. Tyrannosaurus Flex: 24.49
To find out who’s gonna win this thing, join us tonight starting at 7:00pm for our fifth and final Friday Night Lights event of the season. Everyone is welcomed to participate.
Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
Please note that we’ll be offering 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes on Friday nights throughout the Open, but Friday 6:30pm classes will be cancelled. Because Friday is no longer a scheduled rest day, we’ll be running the Open Workouts only during Friday Night Lights and Saturday group classes. You can, of course, also do the workouts during Open Gym.
Yoga Cancelled Tomorrow
Tomorrow’s 10am Yoga for Athletes class is cancelled.
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Of all things Open, I’ve enjoyed these update shows the most by far. Sure gonna miss ’em!
I <3 Turkish getups.
That is all.