Bench Press
A) 4-4-4
B) 75% x max reps
Warm up and perform a few heavy sets of 4, followed by a rep out at 75% of today’s heaviest set. No failing. Aim to leave a rep in the tank on the heavy sets and 2 reps in the tank on the rep out set.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 4
4-5 Rounds or 20 Minutes For Quality:
270m Jog
10 Push-Ups
15 Goblet Squats
:20e Single-Arm Ring Row Hold
Take the runs at a moderate pace that you could sustain for the full 20 minutes. Modify the Push-Ups to elevated as needed. Choose a load on the Goblet Squats that you could use for a set of 20 reps. For the Single-Arm Ring Row Hold, scale up to single leg-single arm as able.
Post work to comments.
Thomas H. has photos from Saturday’s classes, like this one of Mary going beat mode, up on Flickr!
Friday Night Lights 20.5: Sign Up Now!
Our fifth and final Friday Night Lights event of the Open goes down this Friday, November 8th starting at 7:00pm. Take on 20.5 in a super-fun, high-energy environment!
Everyone is welcomed to participate. Get ready to throw down!
Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers! BYOB, if you’re into that.
Please note that we’ll be offering 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes on Friday nights throughout the Open, but Friday 6:30pm classes will be cancelled. Because Friday is no longer a scheduled rest day, we’ll be running the Open Workouts only during Friday Night Lights and Saturday group classes. You can, of course, also do the workouts during Open Gym.
Wondering how you stack up after 20.4? Here are CFSBK’s Open Leaderboards:
- Overall
- Women
- Men
- Women 35-39
- Men 35-39
- Women 40-44
- Men 40-44
- Women 45-49
- Men 45-49
- Women 50-54
- Men 50-54
- Women 55-59
- Men 55-59
- Women 60+
- Men 60+
Thank you to Coach Brett for putting these together!
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The Friday Night Lights link directs to the 20.4 sheet. Is there one for 20.5?