Unilateral Strength Work
A1) Split Stance Barbell Romanian Deadlift:
3-4 x 8-10ea
A2) Renegade Row:
3-4 x 8-10ea
No-Push-Up, alternating arms.
A3) Hanging L-Sit Hold:
3-4 x :10-:20
Build to a challenging set on each exercise in 3-4 sets. Modify the L-Sit to a Tuck as needed.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 4
5 Rounds or 20 Minutes for Quality:
1:00 Jump Rope Practice, Alternating Foot Step, or Boxer Shuffle
1:00 Bike/Jog/Row
:20ea Adductor Side Plank
Post work to comments.
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Open Intramural League Rankings: Week 1 Results
The Open is back and so is The Update Show! Coaches Brett, Keith, and “David” recap the Intramural Team Competition standings after 20.1 and offer some predictions for 20.2.
Current Ranking – Team – Overall Average
1. The SMurphs: 21.76
2. Team Black: 23.65
3. The Pumpkin Spiced Lat-Days: 24.14
4. Tyrannosaurus Flex: 24.17
5. Muscle-Up Buttercups: 24.81
It’s still a tight race! Join us tonight starting at 7:00pm for our second Friday Night Lights event. Everyone is welcomed to participate.
Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
Please note that we’ll be offering 4:30pm and 5:30pm classes on Friday nights throughout the Open, but Friday 6:30pm classes will be cancelled for the next 5 weeks. Because Friday is no longer a scheduled rest day, we’ll be running the Open Workouts only during Friday Night Lights and Saturday group classes. You can, of course, also do the workouts during Open Gym.
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Hey all, looking for someone doing 20.2 during open gym on Sunday whose willing to judge each other? I’ll be away for my military weekend so can’t do it during Friday night lights or group class sadly. Shoot me an email at andrelaw at Gmail.
Friday Night Lights at 7 PM.
I did my first 6 toe-to-bars ever! A gigantic thanks to my judge Brian “Bucky” Buckman, without whom I very literally wouldn’t even have tried them. He said “You know, you could just try and see how it goes”. So right! Thank you!
Thanks also to the coaching staff that has been working with me on Kipping forever! Thanks ‘Ro, Kharpz, Jess, Lauren, and everyone else who talks me through the work at 6 AM. You guys are awesome!
A big shout out to Tyrannosaurus Flex!