Single Leg Romanian Deadlift / Push Press Superset
A1) Rear Foot Elevated Single Leg Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
3 x 6-8 @ 4111
Heavier than last week if able.
A2) Barbell Push Press:
3 x 3-5 @ 11X1
Heavier than last week while still able to use the prescribed tempo.
Sumo Deadlift
3 x 3-5 @ 2111
Use a double overhand grip and control the tempo, using a switch grip only if you need it. Hook grip is preferred over switch grip. Here’s a useful demo video. Note the more natural tempo this week on both the Push Press and Sumo Deadlift.
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Week 6 of 6
Cash Out
Barbell Curls
Hold a Long Lever Plank for 1:00 between sets.
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Doing the Open this year? Sign your name on the board in 597!
Register for the 2020 CrossFit Games Open!
The 2020 CrossFit Games season kicks off this Thursday with the Open! As you may know, the CrossFit Open has moved from the spring to the fall, and we’ll be bringing back our full slate of events over the next 5 weeks. Rory McKernan explains what the Open is in this video from a couple years ago, but here are 5 really good reasons why you should participate:
1. As in years past, there will be both Rx’d and Scaled versions of each workout. So don’t fret if you don’t have those Pull-Ups or Muscle-Ups or What-Have-Yous yet.
2. We’ll be running the CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition again this year, and you’ll have to be officially registered for Open to take part. This competition aims to promote a healthy community rivalry and provide motivation for all Open competitors to perform their best each week.
3. FRIDAY. NIGHT. LIGHTS. Once again this year, we’ll host a super-fun throw down each Friday night of the Open. Check out some of our photos from this past spring here and here!
4. Competition is fun and good for you, even if you’re not the competitive type! Read Coach Fox’s blog classic “Why Compete?” That about sums it up.
5. The Open expresses the fundamentally democratic spirit of CrossFit. It’s easy to forget about that when you watch incredible athletes doing incredible things in the Games. But in the Open, everyone has a chance to prove something to themselves, and at CFSBK, we’re lucky to be able to do that in an environment in which your fellow athletes will cheer you on, whether you’re a veteran, a rookie, or somewhere in between. If you’re thinking about doing it, do it!
The first workout will be announced this Thursday night, and you’ll have until Tuesday the 15th to register. Go HERE to join us!
Make the CrossFit Open Work for You Morning Chalk Up
Wild Rice’s Refusal to Be Domesticated JSTOR Daily
So great to have Frank teaching Pilates yesterday! His knowledge of and passion for it really shine through.
Is the team Intramural’s set up for the open?
James are you hinting to be on mine again?
Yes we’re going to have 3-4 Open team based on total number of sign-ups. This year everyone will automatically be assigned to a team! Stay tuned!
7 AM spent imagining what life would be like if you had to go through it rhyming everything you said. What if you just want to ask for an orange?
Push press 115x5x3, this truly felt like a max effort.
RDLs in 8s with 35# DBs, ermagerd why did this fry my grip so badly? I did 16kg KBs last time, so same weight, is the DB grip really that much worse?!
Sumo DL 205x5x3, and I’m amazed I could hold onto the barbell for the last rep each time.
Cash out w/33# barbell.
Not the right time for me for the Open. I feel like I can do moderate amounts of certain movements that I know are going to show up (wall balls, box jumps, DUs), but I really don’t want to put myself in a situation where I’m encouraging myself to derail several months of progress by going too hard or too fast. I will cheer you guys on at FNL though!