Front Squat
Heavy 3 @ 40X1
No pause at the bottom. Work up to a heavy triple for the day in a few sets.
Post loads to comments.
Week 5 of 6
2 Rounds
In 8:00:
1100m Run
Then AMRAP in remaining time of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Rest 4:00 between rounds.
Work at a repeatable pace and aim to score similarly to within a few seconds on the runs and reps on both pieces. The kettlebell load should be medium-heavy for you and unbroken Modify to Ring Rows and/or Knee Push-Ups as needed. 1100 meters is 2 laps around the block.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
7:30pm class bid Coach Tori a fond farewell on Monday night. You can also see some photos Aaron W. captured from the evening on our Flickr account
Everything You Need to Know About Fight Gone Bad 2019
Please check the heat assignments to see when you’re competing and judging tomorrow. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes before your heat to get registered and ready. 608 will be available all day to warm-up. Your team captain will pick up shirts at the front desk when everyone on your team arrives. Immediately after your heat, there will be a team portrait taken outside, so look your best and get ready to flex!
At the end of the day, we’ll have an awards ceremony and group picture. We encourage everyone to hang out and cheer on the other teams. If you’re in an early heat, please hang out and then try to make it back for the awards ceremony… especially if you’re going to the podium!
8:30am: Gym Opens
9:00-1:10pm: Fight Gone Bad Heats
1:30pm: Group Photo!
Awards Ceremony
Fundraising Update
CFSBK has raised over $17,000 for the Sunrise Movement so far! Check out our CrowdRise page to see who our top teams and individuals are so far. Don’t stop now, gang! Every dollar you raise will go to helping young people stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process.
As usual, we’ll be giving awards to the top individual fundraisers, the top male and female Rx’d athletes, and the FGB Spirit Award for the teams with the best costumes and such. Many thanks to the following sponsors for donating prizes: Brooklyn Brewery, Threes Brewing Company, Shake Shack, Cafe Grumpy, ThirteenFit Apparel, Puori Supplements, Littlefield, Bear Komplex, Kick Axe, Crossfit Linchpin, Chameleon Coffee, Left Bank, Fleishers Craft Butchery, Abbotsford Road Coffee, Hungry Ghost Coffee, Herondale Farm.
Movement Standards
Everyone competing in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow also has a judging assignment slot. Please come familiar with the movement standards so you can accurately perform and judge the workout. We’ll review that day, too. The Box Jump is still a CrossFit Games-Standard Box Jump, which means you’ll need to show extension and control at the top of every rep as opposed to being able to reach extension as you jumped off.
Box Jump (Demo Video)
Men’s Rx: 20″
Ladies’ Rx: 20″
Additional option: 16″
Start: Standing on Ground
Finish: Standing on top of the box with knees and hips fully extended and under control. Athletes may jump down or step down, jumping off at the top before showing control is a no rep. For FGB, step-ups are considered a scale.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (Demo Video)
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Both plates on ground
Finish: Knees and hips fully extended and barbell at approximately collar bone height.
Wall Ball: (Demo Video)
Men’s Rx: 20lb ball, 10′ target
Ladies’ Rx: 14lb ball, 9′ target
Additional option: 10lb ball, optional target
Start: Hip crease dips below parallel
Finish: Ball hits ABOVE target line
No Scales
No ROM standards
Push Press (Demo Video)
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Bar in a racked position in front of shoulders
Finish: Knees, hips, shoulders and elbows fully extended with the barbell above the shoulders
If you need any additional modifications, don’t hestitate to let us know!
Don’t be afraid to call a “No Rep” on someone if they’re not meeting the standards! You’ll be doing them and the event itself a favor.
If you think you’ve got a top 3 score in you and want to go for the CFSBK leaderboards, please let one of the coaches know ahead of time so we can communicate with your judge. Also remember that to get on the board, you need to start on the Wall Ball station and that Step-Ups are considered a scale for the Box Jumps.
News and Notes
- Please note that all classes are cancelled on Saturday for Fight Gone Bad, but we will be offering Open Gym from 12:30pm to 3pm in 608.
- Immediately following Fight Gone Bad, follow CFSBK member Nancy Goldstein for a Career Transition Workshop. This small, action-intensive workshop coaches you through the skills necessary to land a new job, and 100% of the proceeds will go to the Sunrise Movement. Go HERE to learn more and register!
I Measured My Heart-Rate Variability. Why? NY Mag
The Keys to Upper Body Strength Training for Women Breaking Muscle
Haven’t been coming on Fridays (been trying out orange theory once per week— it’s pretty fun!) Today’s workout looked fun though!
FSQ: wish I have been here more Fridays! Yikes!
83×3, 93×3, 103×3, 113×1– bailed on second rep. I can’t even imagine with a pause at the bottom!
Wod: 2:30 or less each lap, first: 2+13, last: 2 rounds even.
This morning I had to decide between coming in for FSQ + WOD and doing my Frankie homework. I went with Frankie homework because I figured, I have plenty of cardio coming tomorrow, right?
I’m not sure that what I chose was being kind to myself the way I thought it would be 😛
Overhead squats with 0:05 pause at the bottom, 63x3x5, 73x3x5. OMG! I thought I was going to go so much heavier than this but sitting at the bottom is HELL. I suppose that’s the intent. (Frankie told me to do these after seeing my snatch catch position on Wednesday.)
Sandbag carry 130m: 80# unbroken, 100# with 1 break, 100# unbroken. This was also hell, but lowercase.
DB bench 35x8x3 to finish. Not hard, should’ve gone to 40s or more reps.