Farmer Carry
5-7 Sets x 10 Seconds
Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets. Heavier than last week.
Post loads to comments.
Week 5 of 6
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
2 Bar Muscle-Ups
8 Burpees
16 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Modify the Bar Muscle-Ups to 2x Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, 3x Chin-over-Bar Pull-Ups, or 4x Ring Rows as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Fox and Dan H. had a little reunion with Coach Noah and Coach McDowell at CrossFit Lumos (Noah’s gym) in Austin
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update & Heat Info
Fight Gone Bad 2019 is this Saturday, October 5th. We’re now at $13,490 raised for the Sunrise Movement, and our overall goal is to raise $20,000. Now’s a great time to send one last email, perhaps using this template we recently posted. If you’re not taking part, you can go HERE to donate to a fellow CFSBKer’s campaign.
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise. Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions:
Top 3 Teams:
- You’re the WOD That I Want: $4,164
- Bob’s Burpees: $2,870
- The AMRAPs Family: $2,500
Top 3 Individuals:
- Charles S.: $3,709
- Katherine D.: $2,315
- Mike I.: $2,300
Heat and judging assignments are now available HERE.
Please note that all classes are cancelled on Saturday, but we will be offering Open Gym from 12:30pm to 3pm in 608!
Tomorrow: Active Life Info Session with Coach Keith!
As some of you may know, Coach Keith works with a company called Active Life, which works with people around the world on improving their quality of life through reducing and preventing pain and injury through exercise. Coach Keith was the head coach at Active Life Athletics when the company was started in 2014, and was the first non-doctor on staff. He continues to work with Active Life, which includes presenting at seminars for coaches and athletes.
To continue to bring some of the knowledge he has gained through his time with Active Life to CFSBK, Coach Keith will be offering FREE info sessions over the next few weeks. Each session will last approximately 15-20 minutes, and will include time for Q&A and further discussion on the information presented. The first session is TOMORROW. Here’s the info:
Defining and Interpreting Pain
Thursday, October 3rd at 1:15PM in 597
Learn how to determine if what you’re feeling is okay to push through or a stop signal.
We’ll have info on additional sessions soon!
5 Single Arm Strength Exercises to Improve Imbalances Breaking Muscle
A New Theory of Obesity Scientific American
Love today’s photo!
145 (each) on the farmer carry again. I tried 155 but dropped it at about 7 seconds and couldn’t get it back off the ground to finish. I think maybe 150 is my max effort? Will try that next week.
WOD: 4 rounds + 6 pullups + 4 burpees with chin-over-bar pullups. Also, I did KB swings for the first time in months! I think I’ve been a little too conservative in my recovery. I thought ANY single-sided discomfort was a bad sign, but based on my last convo w/KHarpz, it sounds like moderate single-sided discomfort is OK (single-sided pain or severe discomfort is not).
Based on how today felt, I’m going to revise my FGB plan, which was to scale both the wall balls and the box jumps, to scaling only the box jumps (to step ups). It probably makes sense to try out one movement that’s been problematic over the past few months in the workout, not two.