WOD 9.26.19
3 Rounds
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
10 Power Clean and Jerks 155/105
15 Toes-to-Bars
Rest 5:00
Aim for consistent split times per round and for consistent scores between all three pieces. The barbell should be medium-heavy for you. The reps may be done in touch-and-go sets but do not have to be, you can bail and reset between each rep. Modify the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises or to 2x Sit-Ups as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Week 4 of 6
This ain’t no tea party! T-minus 10 days to go until Fight Gone Bad 2019. After yesterday’s post, we raised over $1,200 in a single day and are now at $8,770 raised for the Sunrise Movement! If we can keep that pace up, we’ll easily meet our $20,000 goal. Go HERE to donate to this urgent cause and see which teams and individuals are currently at the top of our leaderboards | Photo by Robert C.
Looking to Change Careers? Come to Our Career Transition Workshop!
A three-hour career transition workshop run by CFSBK member Nancy Goldstein. Nancy’s career has spanned from recruiter for multinational corporations to the educational sector with experience teaching at Harvard and MIT.
Saturday, October 5th from 4-7pm, right after Fight Gone Bad
$100. 100% of the proceeds from his event will go to the Sunrise Movement.
More Info
Space is limited to 8 participants, so register at the front desk as soon as possible!
Feel free to contact Nancy at Nancy [at] ngconsults.com with questions!
Include Rotational Movements in Your Training Breaking Muscle
Why Are Fish Oil Pills Good for Me? NY Mag
Gym peeps – there is a white bag in the KB kitchen fridge with various peppers from my garden – Ancho, Red (!) Jalapenos, and a Scotch Bonnet/Hab. Help yourself – but no R-rated stories, please!
One of the kids ate a spicy pepper last week and started crying because it was too hot. LESSON LEARNED JUNIOR!!!
Thanks Tom!