Farmer Carry
5-7 Sets x 10 Seconds.
Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets. Start with a load you can carry for 10+ seconds without putting down and progress each week from there with the goal of building in weight each week. You should be able to load both handles with the same (ore more) weight you used for the Single-Arm Carries last week.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
7e Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses 50/35
7 Box Jumps 24/20
7 Kipping Pull-Ups
The dumbbell should be heavy but unbroken for you. Reduce the volume on the Pull-Ups as needed to be able to complete the reps either unbroken or with very minimal rest, or sub Ring Rows or bands as appropriate.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
11 days to go until Fight Gone Bad 2019! As of 7pm on Tuesday night, we had raised around $7,500 for the Sunrise Movement. Can we make it to $8,000 by midnight on Wednesday? Go HERE to donate!
Upcoming Wim Hof Method Workshops at CFSBK
Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology. This time around we’re offering two different seminars, a full Fundamentals Workshop on October 19th and a 2-hour session on October 26th for those who have already taken the Fundamentals seminar.
The intimate quality allows for ample personal attention, and feedback tailored to your specific situation. Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, or are just curious to find out what the Wim Hof Method is all about— a WHM workshop offers something for everyone.
The program generally kicks off with an introduction to the Wim Hof Method, and always includes a breathing session and an (optional) ice bath. At the end there is ample room for reflection, and the Instructor is there to answer questions throughout the workshop. (Wim Hof will NOT be at the workshop.)
Instructors have their own specializations, and there is some variation across the individual workshops. A detailed overview of the day is sent out upon registration.
If you have no prior experience with cold exposure, we recommend you finish your showers cold in the days leading up to the workshop. This may be overwhelming at first, but just try to relax, focus on your breath, and bring it into a controlled, steady rhythm.
Dates, Times, and Pricing
Fundamentals Workshop
Saturday, October 19th from 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Price: $125
2-Hour Breathwork and Ice Bath
Saturday, October 26th from 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Price: $45
Who are these workshops for?
These workshops are suitable for everyone, but do require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.
What to Bring
- Warm comfy clothes
- Yoga mat (CFSBK has plenty you can borrow!)
- Bathing suit and towel (if ice bath bound)
- Open minds and hearts
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3 Ways to Use Kettlebells for Active Recovery BarBend
7 AM with RoHarpz
Managed burrito weight (145#) in each hand for the farmer carry, but failed with 165. I did get it off the ground, though, and 330 is slightly better than my best deadlift, so that’s cool. (Yes, I know these are easier than a deadlift because there’s less ROM)
WOD: 2 reps shy of 5 rounds, Rx except for step ups instead of box jumps. One of these days I’m going to be able to jump again, dammit! Kipping pullups were reasonably smooth even though I haven’t done them in a while, so there’s that.
Also, this workout reminded me that yes, sometimes I actually do like CrossFit (as opposed to straight-up powerlifting and Short Circuit). On longer AMRAPs I kinda turn off the gas a bit, but for 7 minutes I can make myself work pretty damn hard and like it.