Single-Arm Farmer Carry
5-7 Sets x 10 Seconds.
Rest 1:30 – 2:00 between sets. Start with a load you can carry for 10+ seconds without putting down and progress each week from there with the goal of building in weight each week.
Post loads to comments.
Week 2 of 6
4 Rounds for Time:
270m Run
15 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
Aim to set and hold a very uncomfortable pace throughout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kristeli high fives Coach Jeremy after a successful Bench Press attempt. Photos from Iron Maidens 2019 are now up on our Flickr account!
September 20th: Mario Kart Tournament at CFSBK
Get ready! On Friday, September 20th starting at 7:45pm, CFSBK is hosting a Mario Kart tournament. Relive your college years, childhood, adolescence, infancy, adulthood, or whatever the case may be. We’ll be playing on the BIG SCREEN in 597.
About a week before, we’ll going to set up a practice station by the couches. For the main event, you’ll choose from 1 of the following classic Nintendo characters:
- Mario
- Luigi
- Princess Peach
- Toad
- Yoshi
- Donkey Kong
- Wario
- Bowser
Please leave a comment on the event page to let us know who you’d like to play as!
Tim Ferriss, the Man Who Put His Money Behind Psychedelic Medicine NY Times
The Athlete’s Friend, Eggs Breaking Muscle
7 AM with LauRo:
Farmer’s carry up to 145, which is my burrito weight. Your bodyweight is when you weigh yourself in the morning, with your clothes off and after you’ve gone to the bathroom. Your burrito weight is your bodyweight fully hydrated and after you’ve housed a burrito and possibly a couple of margaritas. So I’m pretty pleased with that result!
WOD 9:07 with 20# DB thrusters instead of wall balls. My hip was being cranky and I know catching the ball is ouchie, so I didn’t even bother making thrusters a plan B, just started with them right away.
Stayed for 20 glorious minutes of AR. I feel like I might be getting somewhere with increasing my ankle mobility? Finally?
Burrito weight. I approve.