Snatch Grip Push Press + Overhead Squat
Work up to a challenging (but not max effort) load. Be sure your area is clear to bail the bar.
Snatch Balance
Work up to a challenging (but not max effort) load. Be sure your area is clear to bail the bar.
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Week 5 of 6
For Time:
Front Squats 135/95
Lateral Bar Burpees
The barbell comes off the floor and should be unbroken. You may Squat Clean the first rep of any set.
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CFSBK at The Brooklyn Barbell Open
Coach Frank‘s lifters put up a strong showing at last weekend’s Brooklyn Barbell Open. Here’s what went down in Williamsburg:
Elena Schorr went 5 for 6 with a 53 kg Snatch and a 73 kg Clean and Jerk breaking her competition Snatch and Total PR while winning her class in the process.
Basha Margulies went 4 for 6 with a 44 kg Snatch and 58 kg Clean and Jerk for competition PRs in both her Total and Clean and Jerk.
Erika Minerowicz crushed her first meet, going 4 for 6. She recorded a 67 kg Snatch and 84 kg Clean and Jerk, winning her class and making it look easy.
Congrats, all! And thanks for making us proud. You can learn more about Next Level Weightlifting Club at CFSBK here.
TOMORROW: Movie Night at CFSBK
Come out to the gym tomorrow night for a heaping dose of nostalgic summertime fun. We asked for your vote during group class, and you wisely chose a classic. We’ll be showing The Goonies on our big, big screen in 597! We’ll start the movie at 7:45pm, just as Open Gym winds down. As usual, Movie Night will be BYOB and snacks. All are welcome!
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Stella says
Amazing work, badass lifters!
Late-morning OG, I’m taking a random day off today, which is SO NICE.
Warmup: banded lateral hip distractions (LIFE-CHANGING), bodyweight tempo RFESS, dead bugs.
Work: 4 supersets of 130m 80# sandbag carry plus 8/side DB strict press (20, 25, 27.5×2). This felt better on my shoulder than barbell press did the other day.
Super lazy metcon: 10 minutes of rowing at a target 18 strokes/minute. I was pretty much always very close, but couldn’t make EXACTLY 18 stick for longer than about 5 strokes at a time.