Single-Arm Farmer Carry
30 Seconds x 1-2 Sets
Use dumbbells, kettlebells, jerry cans, or farmer handles. After a few warm up sets, grab a load you can carry for 30 seconds without putting it down. Build in load each week from there with the goal of building to half bodyweight or above. The “gold standard” is body weight for 30 seconds.
Post loads to comments.
Week 5 of 6
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Push Presses 95/65
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
The barbell should be light for you, unbroken on the fast end. Modify to bands as needed for the Pull-Ups, or scale up to Chest-to-Bar as able.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The Iron Maidens Raw Open: T-Minus 18 Days!
We’re less than a month away from The Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual women-only powerlifting meet slated for Saturday, September 7th. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. Save the date!
For the 4th year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach. Why should you support the Stay Strong Scholarship? Last year, we published these words from Stay Strong Scholarship recipient AS:
The Stay Strong Scholarship means a second chance for me. This scholarship has opened up doors for me that I never thought would be open. The Stay Strong Scholarship has also been the biggest financial help, because without it, I honestly wouldn’t be able to afford college on my own, especially since I am not eligible for financial aid. I can honestly say I am a example of what wonders this scholarship can do for you if you too are in need of help to get through college.
This year, our goal is to raise $30,000 to continue supporting students like AS. Right now we’re at just over $6,756 raised. Can you help us break $7,000 by the end of the day?
Show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2019 Crowdrise campaign here!
Friday: Movie Night at CFSBK
Come out to the gym this Friday night for a heaping dose of nostalgic summertime fun. We asked for your vote during group class, and you wisely chose a classic. We’ll be showing The Goonies on our big, big screen in 597! We’ll start the movie at 7:45pm, just as Open Gym winds down. As usual, Movie Night will be BYOB and snacks. All are welcome. Goonies never say die!
The 5 Greatest SummerSlam Matches of All Time The Players’ Journal
Eliminate Poor Reps to Build More Muscle Breaking Muscle
Hi y’all!!!!! In town for a quick work trip this week, so dropped into 6:30 last night.
Power cleans: I think I did 85#x3, 95#x3, 105#x3, 115#x3, 120#x3
Still getting back into the ~flow~with oly lifts after not doing them for a long time. Felt ok!
WOD: Was VERY consistent at exactly 2:10 for the first three rounds. Shaved a lil time off my last round with 2:06. 15# DBs; probably should have just RX’d but oh well.
SO fun being back at the best gym in the world! If you’re ever in LA, come visit me at Deuce Gym in Venice 🙂 MISS YOU/LOVE YOU CFSBK!
Kirby !!! ❤️
Miss you Kirby!!
AM Sesh:
A) Snatch
82.5% 1 reps x 7; rest as needed
128# across!!! stoooooked. This felt snappy AF and I was very happy with how it went
B) Power Jerk
82.5% 1 reps x 7; rest as needed
178# across. again, kind of awkward with my footwork and timing of bracing core. but i got the work done!
C)Assault Bike 2 min @ 50-54 rpm
HS walk obstacle – your choice (did the up/down pyramid!)
100′ FW – 33% DL/h
x 4 rounds
only messed up the obstacle in rd 3! much more control. the less thinking the better. I need to keep working on breathing upsidedown. It stops me dead in my tracks and this is why i got messed up on the 3rd rd!
this went well! carries at 105 ea hand
PM Sesh:
A)Assault Bike
10s – max watts
rest walk 1:50
x 5 rounds
-rest walk 10 min then move to B
not the most powerful human today. but at least i crushed the con!
B) @hard effort:
9 thrusters – 65#
9 c2b
6 thrusters
6 c2b
3 thrusters
3 c2b
rest walk 15-18 min
x 2-3 rounds
not much i could do to speed that up other than just figure out how to pull the bar down. sort of did that in last round! Good breathing and quick tranisitons. Squat felt a bit stickier than i wanted it to but it was light