Jump Rope Skill Work
“Flight Simulator”
Option A
For Time:
Unbroken Double-Unders
The pyramid rep scheme ascends from 5 to 50 (increments of 5), then back down to 5. Each set must be unbroken. The rope must stop moving before starting the next set. Rest as needed between sets. If a set is broken, the athlete must start again from the beginning of that set.
Option B
For Time:
Unbroken Double Unders
The pyramid rep scheme ascends from 10 to 50 (increments of 10), then back down to 10. Each set must be unbroken. The rope must stop moving before starting the next set. Rest as needed between sets. If a set is broken, the athlete must start again from the beginning of that set.
Option C
Modify either rep scheme (increments of 5 or 10) to Alternating Foot Steps or Single-Unders. Each set must be unbroken. Rope must stop moving before starting the next set. Rest as needed between sets. If a set is broken, athlete must start again from the beginning of that set.
Post work to comments.
Rear Foot Elevated Dumbbell Split Squat
3 x 8e
Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. Heavier than last week. Here’s a useful video!
Front Squat
Heavy 3
Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. One work set. NOT a 3RM. Go by feel and leave 1-2 reps in the tank.
Post loads to comments.
Week 5 of 6
This Friday: Movie Night at CFSBK!
Come out to the gym this Friday night for a heaping dose of nostalgic summertime fun. We asked for your vote during group class, and you wisely chose a classic. We’ll be showing The Goonies on our big, big screen in 597! We’ll start the movie at 7:45pm, just as Open Gym winds down. As usual, Movie Night will be BYOB and snacks. All are welcome. Goonies never say die!
Why Do I Resist Meditating? NY Mag
Oh No! Oh Damn! I Fell in Love with New York The Outline
For Precision Nutrition this week and next, I’m supposed to be celebrating my wins, even small ones, so I’ll say I’m proud of myself for dragging my butt in to 6 AM class so I could work out even though I had an 8 AM teleconference to do. (C’mon, clients, QUIT with the 8 AM phone calls!)
Also a win: I was able to do double-unders without pain in my hip, although my shoulder and neck felt a bit stiff afterward.
I got to the round of 25, which is about where I thought I would be. 30 would have been a 1-rep PR for me, so I’m good with that result.
RFESS: 27.5# DBs. FSQ: 135# at 3-2-X-1 tempo. I could tell that my hip was just on the right side of the line of pain-free, so I’m glad I stuck with tempo and a lighter weight.
Bicep curls brah! 17.5#