Single-Arm Farmer Carry
30 Seconds x 1-2 Sets
Use dumbbells, kettlebells, jerry cans, or farmer handles. After a few warm up sets, grab a load you can carry for 30 seconds without putting down. Progress load each week from there with the goal of building to half bodyweight or above. The “Gold Standard” is bodyweight for 30 seconds.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
25 Dumbbell Thrusters 35/20
Can you do the Thrusters unbroken? Should you, for you?
Post time and Rx to comments.
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A vid from last year’s CFSBK picnic in Prospect Park!
Saturday: Prospect Park Potluck!
We are hosting a potluck at Prospect Park this Saturday from 2 to 4pm. We would love to see you there with your families, friends, and a few snacks or dishes to pass around and share! We’ll bring a few games to play, but if you have any of your own that you are particularly fond of, feel free to bring them along as well! We had a GREAT turn out at our last picnic so don’t miss out! Come meet more members of your community and enjoy an afternoon in the park with us! What better way to spend a Saturday?
We’ll be on the hill behind the Picnic House (most easily accessible via the 5th Street/Litchfield Villa entrance). Bring a dish, drink, or game to play. Friends, family, and dogs are welcomed, as always. We can’t wait to see you there!
Monday, August 19th: My Body, My Jokes
Searching for love in all the wrong places? Maybe you’re a unicorn looking for their soulmate on an app. Most of the love stories and romcoms are steeped in the hetero point of view. This month join comedians Maria Heinegg (of CFSBK) and Ayanna Dookie as they host “My Body, My Jokes: Queer Dating.” Whether you can completely relate, wondering what dating is like with anything other than the ol Disney heteronormative narrative, come hear tales of love, love lost, and disappointment. All proceeds will go directly to New Alternatives to support their mission of fostering self-sufficiency of LGBTQ and homeless youth.
My Body, My Jokes is a bimonthly stand up comedy show all about living in these strange, human-shaped bodies.This month, we’re bringing you a group of hilarious LGBTQ comics telling jokes about their dating lives. We’ll also be serving you with facts and information on queer relationships by our expert of the month.
Show link:
Tickets: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door
Twitter: @mybodymyjokes
How to Use and Monitor HRV BarBend
Exercise During Pregnancy May Have Lasting Effects for Babies NY Times
7 AM w/RoHarpz.
How is carrying less than half the weight on one side so much harder than carrying on both sides?! Holy crap, that counterbalance is everything! Best round was the jerry can, which was also the worst round in that I’m pretty sure I’ll have the bruises on my legs for a while.
WOD in 10:53 Rx.
AM sesh:
72.5% 2 reps x 1; rest as needed
75% 1 reps x 2; rest as needed
80% 1 reps x 4; rest as needed
Sped it up a little from floor and didnt pause later sets at bottom. Wanted to practice feeling whippier under the bar again. these are feeling amazing. im close to feeling completely myself again.
B)Power Jerk
72.5% 2 reps x 1; rest as needed
75% 1 reps x 2; rest as needed
80% 1 reps x 4; rest as needed
My overhead strength is something I’m super proud of these days. Plenty of room. Need to get under it my footwork is kind of cruddy in the power jerk. I had some solid reps at 175 tho so I know I own it
C) Assault Bike
2 min @ 50-54 rpm
HS walk obstacle – your choice
100′ FW – 33% DL/h
x 4 rounds
Had some fun here. didnt end up being too crazy about the time. just over 20 min. I made a really hard obstacle. 3 layers of the fat 45# plates with paralettes at the end. I couldn’t do it. A lot of fails and my body hesitating to get momentum. I think I’ll be able to do it! allowed myself 5 attempts per round. got to the second level consistently and at one point I got one hand up to the third level! Gotta keep practicing. Love these.
Carries at 105# in ea hand.
PM Sesh:
A)Assault Bike
10s – max watts
rest walk 1:50
x 5 rounds
-rest walk 10 min then move to B
holy wattssssamole. Idk what was in the water in NOLA i felt powerful here today
B) @hard effort:
complete 2 rounds in 2.5 min of:
5 TnG HHPS – 85#
8 lateral burpees over the bar
17 cal AB
rest walk 10-11 min
x 2 rounds
This had to have been the hardest pain piece ive ever done. it was BRUTAL to pick up that bar again after the first round coming off that bike. That took a lot of mental fight. Im proud I was able to get that close to my second time cause I was not alright after the first round. sick. thank goodness the rest was adjust to 15-18! took 17. The clouds started to part after 16 min so I just went for it. I think im adapting here. Again this will be about knowing myself and only myself on the bike. I need to remember I am not superhuman on the assault bike and stick to it. 64-68 range was what I managed and I should be proud of that. High hang snatches were smooth though! burpees were also legit. This rocked me for the rest of the night. I was toast.