Power Clean
In 10:00, work up to a heavy but perfect Power Clean for the day.
Post loads to comments.
Week 3 of 6
2 Rounds…
In 10:00:
5:00 Bike/Row for Calories
Then, in remaining time, rounds of…
3 Power Cleans @75-80% of today’s heavy single (performed as singles with 15-20 seconds of rest between reps, not touch-and-go)
3 Wall Walks (or 24 Alternating Shoulder Taps from a Pike Position)
:30 Hollow Hold
Rest 5 minutes
Work at a sustainable and repeatable pace, just slightly above conversational. Shoot for consistent scores for the bike/row and rounds completed on both intervals. Walk or stretch during the rest period. You should not feel wrecked after either piece.
Post work to comments.
Iron Maidens and the Stay Strong Scholarship
You probably know that The Iron Maidens Raw Open, a women-only powerlifting meet slated for Saturday, September 7th, is one of our most anticipated events of the year. 60 women, from CFSBK and beyond, will test their strength at Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. You won’t want to miss it. Save the date!
For the 4th year in a row, Iron Maidens lifters will raise funds for the Stay Strong Scholarship, which supports students at Bronx-based Grace Outreach.
Why should you support the Stay Strong Scholarship? Here’s a message from CFSBK’s very own Danae McLeod, Executive Director of Grace Outreach:
Four years ago we created the Stay Strong Scholarship to support undocumented women who couldn’t afford to go to college. We had no idea that immigration would become one of the most contested political topics in the news. We just wanted to support DREAMers and undocumented young women who had come to the U.S. as children and they weren’t eligible for financial aid to pursue their dreams and go to college.
Over the past 4 years, Iron Maidens competitors have raised over $90,000 to send women to college. We have graduated four students with Associate Degrees and our first student to complete a Bachelor’s degree graduated this May from Lehman College!
We are currently supporting six students making their way through college. Three are at Hostos Community College, Bronx Community College, and Borough of Manhattan Community College and three have moved on to bachelor’s degree programs at Lehman and John Jay Colleges.
Your efforts have made these degrees possible! By participating in fundraising for the Stay Strong Scholarship you are contributing to positive change in the lives of women. I hope that as you’re training this year for the Iron Maidens Raw Open you will put aside some time to fundraise for the Stay Strong Scholarship.
This year, our goal is to raise $30,000 to continue supporting these students. Right now we’re at $1,551 raised. Can you help us get there?
Show some love by donating to your favorite lifter(s) through the 2019 Crowdrise campaign here!
Mat Fraser, Tia-Clair Toomey Win the 2019 CrossFit Games BarBend
The Training Secrets of a Top CrossFit Coach Outside
Forgot to follow up from yesterday… So this will be a bit longer a post than normal. First the Work…
Yesterday partnered up with Cameron for the step-ups and squat after a long day of work. Typically I’m mornings only but work needed me in early and threw off my game.
got the increase in step-up weight. 85/85/85 back squat felt eh so i just took the 235 and called it there.
fast forward 11 hours and I found myself facing cleans… Not feeling explosive from the night before I worked up to 175. The first set of three got a little sloppy so I stayed there and hit it again and it was tight and solid. Chose to not go up any higher to test those waters.
I was def. in a mental spot with it focusing so much on not getting too low in the catch that it effected my whole lift. I shook off the thoughts and just “did it” and saw where I caught it and it was fine.
That WOD was fun but tricky. I hit 70 Cal on the first 5 min and then 3 even rounds at 146# to work with my partner Alex who was running a little lighter side of his results and a little heavier on mine. (compromise is a good thing) 😉
Getting to the bar after that row that first set felt super sluggish but the 30 second hold was really where the work was I felt.
I got through 3 rounds exactly. The second round I got on the erg and started pulling this time I down about 12 seconds starting as there was some transition and timer reseting that had to happen. At the 5 min mark I was at 68 cals and felt better than I did the first time off… I got right to the bar and expected the sluggish feeling but it felt slighter better than the first round. the hollows still stood out as the work to me. I managed 3 rounds and 3 before time.
Adding to the games discussion form the past couple of days.
I think it was great that there were so many countries and athletes that got to be a part of the road to the games. That said I honestly believe there needs to be a level of minimums that get you to the actual games and there were athletes that should never have been there. The games are not a place for a bell curve to get in and if you can not do core crossfit movements with capacity you have no right to be there. Sorry. One might be the best athlete from say Barbados but if you can’t do a single legless rope climb you should not step on the field at the Games. There should be baseline minimums at that level. One can be that nations best and a rally point for locals to aim to beat but on a truly global scale that bar is high and should stay there.
The format of the games themselves were awesome for a bystander to watch but an absolute nightmare for 95% of the athletes attending. The first event was a perfect opener skill/strength/capacity. I have always felt in the programming of the games the first day should have 3 events this is to really shake up the field and poke holes in the training. I would sandwich a heavy lift event between a skill/strength/capacity WOD (20-25 min cap amrap) Stength couplet and then a third event a few hours later that would be cardio/fast wod (like fran)
then vary these across the next 3 days in order and lifts. nothing repeated. also the cuts should be more along the lines of day one 100/80/40/20 athletes. The cuts were tough and some people with just one small mistake were out and that very minor room for error really can suck.
I didn’t see anything that made me question if it was a good event… there were some athletes that in the past for example died doing murph and then again died doing the 6K ruck. (I see a pattern) This year’s games not only kind of returned to basics but it ditched most of the weird implements, the bicycles, the sledgehammering a block, the obstacle course… and athletes should have taken all of those queues all season long from HQ to work their goats and focus on core crossfit stuff. Those that did, it showed. I’m happy for Noah and his putting the fire under Matt. Matt is just a pure animal and very calculating even under duress. Tia-Clair is super human. Her ability and capacity is above and beyond all the other women out there. She put in the work and it showed. Dominating everything. Sure it sucked to see some athletes you always cheer for to not even make day three but I think that is just part of the challenge. Nothing is promised and nothing is certain. So embrace the suck, work your goats and stay focused.
Re: games stuff, I meant to update folks, but my little brother ended up 6th in the teen division! I’m so proud of him, and he is so proud of his all his new free shoes
Doin’ a little blog creepin’ to congratulate Katherine on AOTM!! You are so deserving of this; I LOVE seeing your progress through Instagram (and everyone else’s, too!) Not only are you a phenomenal athlete, but an all-around great person and friend. Not to mention, your cooking skills are insane! I’ll never forget the day I came into the gym – one of my last days living in NY – and Katherine randomly handed me a folder. I thought I needed to sign something! Turns out it was a beautiful sketch of me benching at Iron Maidens earlier that year. It was one of the most meaningful gifts I’d ever received.
Also just needed to mention how much I miss this gym! Ya never know how good you have it until it’s gone. I didn’t fully commit to a gym until just this month; it took me four months of trying different gyms in the area. I either didn’t like the programming, it didn’t have a communal/friendly vibe, the gym only offered classes a few days a week, or just a 3-4 classes a day, the list goes on. I decided to just suck it up and face that fact that I’d gotten spoiled at CFSBK. I think this is a realization that everyone who has moved from Brooklyn has made!!
Aw Jaime!! We all miss you so much! Thanks for the love ❤️❤️❤️
Hi all,
I have 2 free tickets for this Thursday Giants vs Bears game at Metlife stadium with parking pass. They are great tickets mid field about 24 row in.
if you want them email me at pierre.davidoff@gmail.com
First come first serve