Warm Up
3-4 Rounds Not for Time:
130m Jog/1:00 Bike/1:00 Row
5 Kip Swings, then in later sets 3-5 Pull-Ups, or practice
5 Thrusters, first set empty bar then building to work weight or slightly above
Use this time to “rev up the engine,” firm up a plan, and get in the right mindset.
Post work to comments.
For Time:
Thrusters 95/65
This is the classic CrossFit couplet that has inspired and hooked so many CrossFitters over the years. So simple, yet so potent. The intention is for this to be brutally fast. The fastest times world-wide are completed unbroken and under 2 minutes. Scale accordingly. However, as always, there’s is room to gut out Rx’ing a benchmark such as this at a load or degree of difficulty that’s at the edge of your ability so you might also consider that when deciding what your “Fran” will look like today. Top athletes complete the reps unbroken and with minimal rest but your (and my) Fran might be very different. If you can do the 21 thrusters unbroken but then you wind up in a world of shit for the 21 Pull-Ups, then you should probably break those Thrusters up! Do you rest too much during the 15s? Have a strategy to minimize rest like: 3-5 breaths between sets or a controlled 3-5 count in your head. In any case, have a plan that is honest to your level of ability. Let your judge know your plan and ask them to help keep you to it. And as always, have fun!
Scale volume on the Pull-Ups (15-9-6 or 9-6-3) or to Ring Rows (with head inside!) as needed. Use lighter bars and larger bumps as available to save the 10s and 15s! There is a 10:00 cap on this workout.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sure, you’re strong, but are you strong enough to resist this face? Kokomo is one of many PupStarz pups who just might be at our upcoming adoption event!
Saturday, July 27th: Pupstarz Adoption Event
PupStarz Rescue invites everyone to get into a different kind of “beast mode” on Saturday, July 27th, right here at CrossFit South Brooklyn. We will be bringing adorable and adoptable pups for meet and greets.
Time: 10am-1pm
Location: Crossfit South Brooklyn, 597 Degraw St.
PupStarz Rescue is an all-volunteer animal welfare group committed to the rescue and rehabilitation of dogs and cats in public shelters at high risk of euthanasia, as well as those in danger of abuse. We are committed to rescuing as many animals as possible, saving over 1,875 dogs and cats since 2015.
We will have everything from large pups to small pups, from young ones to older ones and just about everything in between! This event is also open to the public to stop in and check out the adoptables as well. Our latest adoptables are listed here.
We suggest that you fill out an application on our site before the event in order to be pre-approved if you are eager to adopt and take your pup home that day! We do require 3 references and a Facetime homecheck before adoption.
We will be posting the dogs that are confirmed for the event a few days before.
For questions please email us at rescue [at] pupstarzrescue.org.
Who knows? You might just find your future swolemate!
- Active Recovery is cancelled on both Saturday, July 20th and Sunday, July 21st.
- 12pm Pilates is cancelled this Sunday, July 21st.
Study: Fruits and Vegetables Help Switch Off Genes Responsible for Obesity BarBend
Lessons from Highly Adventurous Commuters Outside
OMG that pupper face! Dying.
7 AM strength session:
LBBSQ 3-2-1-1 tempo, 135x6x3. Taking this weight out of the rack was quite uncomfortable on my bad side 🙁 but once I settled onto both feet I was mostly OK.
Followed Frankie’s programming for press. OMG so many sets! My lats are dead. DEAD.
80x2x10, the 10 sets were spaced about 90 seconds apart. I wasn’t sure going in whether I’d make all the reps. It was very VERY hard, but no fails. YAY!
8am Fran with Chris Fox
8:21min Rx
First time doing it Rx’ed. 8/7/6 on both movements + 8/7 on both movements + 9 thrusters and 3/3/3 pull-ups. Went in with a pacing strategy of “5 deep breaths every break”, which worked well – the round of 15 didn’t hurt as much as expected, and it only really caught up to me on those last 9 pull-ups. Next time I could try either 4 deep breaths, or doing a 12/9 first round.
Double Sesh::::::: AM
A) Snatch
65% 3 reps x 2; rest as needed
67.5% 3 reps x 2; rest as needed
70% 2 reps x 3; rest as needed
100, 103, 108# for respective percentages
this was a good training day
B) Power Jerk
65% 3 reps x 2; rest as needed
67.5% 3 reps x 2; rest as needed
70% 2 reps x 3; rest as needed
138, 143, 148#
loved these!
C) Assault Bike
5 min @ 50-54 rpm
20′ HS walk
x 4 rounds
soliddd. only one broken up. glad im practicing these im disorganized here
A)Assault Bike
10s – max watts
rest walk 1:50
x 5 rounds
-rest walk 10 min then move to B
stronger here today!
B) @hard effort:
3 TnG PC – 125#
4 burpee box jump over
15 cal AB
rest walk 7-9 min
x 3 rounds
-85-90% be consistent here
RPE 8/9/9
RPM 68-70/70-72/74-74
so glad i pushed this a bit more. this was tough but i handled it!
Back/hip problem keeping me on my damn toes. Been super dedicated to getting myself better. can’t wait until I’m out of the woods.