Choose the option below that you need the most. As a guide, we recommend focusing on the strict work for at least a few weeks if you can’t yet consistently perform sets of 5-10 strict, unassisted reps.
Strength Work:
8-10 sets of 2-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (assisted as needed) or VERY challenging Ring Rows
Skill Work:
Perform 1-2 sets of 5-10 Strict Pull-Ups first to ensure your shoulders are properly warmed up,then practice Kipping or Butterfly Pull-Ups for 15 minutes. Come off the bar if/when your movement pattern falls apart. Perfect practice makes perfect!
Post work to comments.
Exposure 5 of 6
30 Minutes for Quality:
2:00 Row/Bike/Jog
5e Turkish Get-Ups
150′ Sandbag Carry
Rotate through the movements at a low intensity/aerobic pace. If you wear a heart rate monitoring device, then aim to say below about 150 bpm. Otherwise, you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and/or hold a conversational pace.
Post work to comments.
Here’s another video by our buddy Michael Dalton from the first-annual East Coast Gambit. This one features the heaviest women’s Clean of the day. So cool to see it in slow mo!
4th of July Schedule
We’ll be running on a modified schedule tomorrow for the 4th of July. Here’s what’s happening:
8am CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am CrossFit
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
8am-1pm Open Gym for OG-only memberships
All other classes are cancelled.
News and Notes
- There are just a few spots left in the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual all-women powerlifting competition. Go HERE for more info and to sign up!
- Going somewhere fun over the summer? Maybe dropping into a CrossFit affiliate in an exotic (or not-so-exotic) locale? Send visual evidence of yourself wearing CFSBK gear at said locale to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com, and we’ll put it on the blog!
New Mixed-Use Development at 4th and Degraw YIMBY
How to Use Your Body for a Good Cause Breaking Muscle
I thought the jet lag would last long enough that I’d make it to 6 AM again, but…no. Back with my 7 AM peeps where I belong!
Got some fun AG strength exercises from Ro to do during the pullup portion. I’ve got strict chin-over-bar pullups in spades, and I can do C2B chinups just fine (did a shit ton of them in the Open this year!). But when it comes to strict C2B with pullup grip, I just do not have those last couple of inches to get my chest to actually touch the bar. Banding does not work, as the band provides no assistance at the top of the pull.
Ro had me try a couple of different things and eventually settled on supersets of:
2 reps chin-over-bar pullups with 10# weight
10 incline bicep curls, 10# (ho…ly…SHIT these are hard, I grabbed 20# weights to start and couldn’t move them at all!)
10 incline reverse fly, 10#
I might do this again on Friday with some Frankie squat programming for a little strength action.
NFT work: I did that thing again where I forgot to do one of the exercises (the run/bike/jog) until I was a couple of rounds in. I say “again” because it feels like I’ve done that at least once a week for the last month. I feel so old. 🙃
Tried one round of TGUs with the 15# barbell and was pleasantly surprised at how much better it went vs the last time I did barbell TGUs. The 100# sandbag, on the other hand, can go F itself. Normally I love carrying the sandbag but today it just about killed me.
Hi friends!!!
A really sweet human and dope CrossFit gymnastics coach friend of mine is looking for a roommate. Her name is Brittany B and she was thinking about joining the gym if she found a roommate who wanted to live in the BK area. Let me know if you know of anyone!! Looking to move by the end of the month.
Email: katie@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you’ve heard of anybody. Thank you!!
Can vouch that Brittany is a cool person!
Happy 80th to Jacinto!!
This is slightly outdated https://wodwell.com/wod/jacinto-storm/
Wow! My pull-ups are improving and it’s so cool!
Did 12 sets of 4, then 2 singles in the last 10 seconds to have a nice even 50!
Also made up bench since I missed Monday.
67# 3×15
Aaaaand, I just wanted to post to the blog since I have a new name 😛 xoxo
Don’t worry, DO, you can still call me AB Barsamian!!
I dont know who you are Allie N but AB Barsamian 4ever!
4:30pm Group Class
Did a 15:00 EMOM of Strict Pull-Ups
5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 (61 total strict reps)
3 Rounds
Run 270m
5e TGU 35lb DB
120lb SB carry 150′
Extra Credit
5 sets of 16 Walking Lunges Front Racking the 70lb Wreck Bag