4 x 8
Sets across. Heavier than last week. Use a “faster up-slower down” tempo. These should be challenging but feel like you could do another 1-2 reps per set. Touch and go reps are okay. Use a double overhand grip, hook if needed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 6
3 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
30 Alternating DB Power Snatches 50/35
20 Toes-to-Bars
The switch on the dumbbell can be made anywhere below your head, and the dumbbell must touch the ground before the next rep. Modify the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Knee Raises as needed.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Jess and our long-lost Coach MeLo took 1st pace at last weekend’s Northeast Masters Throwdown at Shoreline Athletics. Congrats, you two!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. As we approach lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) Pride weekend, CFSBK is proud to celebrate and support the LGBTQ members of our gym and the broader community. The gym will hold a workout tomorrow for NYC Pride weekend called “Stonewall,” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Rebellion. Head over to the event page for more info!
2. CFSBK put up amazing numbers (weight- and fundraising-wise) at last weekend’s Pull for Pride at Murder of Crows. Check out Tuesday’s post for all the details!
3. Our belief is that CrossFit should be accessible to everybody, including those who have physical disabilities. This week we rolled out our Adaptive Athlete program, which focuses on introducing individuals with permanent physical impairments to the foundation of functional movement.
4. There are just a few spots left in the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual all-women powerlifting competition. Go HERE for more info and to sign up!
5. Our 4th of July schedule is now available over on the Schedule page.
6. 11am Active Recovery is cancelled tomorrow.
Double Compound Movements Breaking Muscle
You Can’t Get Rid of Your Girl That Easily The Players’ Tribune
8AM at Crossfit Nolo again.
Strength: split jerk, was supposed to be 3-3-3-3-3 but due to poor communication between my partner and me (she knows about as much English as I know Italian, which is to say none) I think I ended up doing extra sets. Maxed out at 45kg (99#).
Then, 4 rounds, 90s each with 90s rest between rounds:
6 each 1arm KB thruster, 12kg (no Rx)
12 alt 1arm KB swing
In remaining time, AMRAP DUs, score is # of doubles.
The jump ropes at this gym are in better shape than the ones at Sweat&Tears in Munich, so I did a lot better with doubles this time. 23, 27, 34, 30.
The Player’s Tribune is almost always great, but today’s link is one of my favorites.
Agreed. Got me a bit teary eyed.