Choose the option below that you need the most. As a guide, we recommend focusing on the strict work for at least a few weeks if you can’t yet consistently perform sets of 5-10 strict, unassisted reps.
Strength Work:
8-10 sets of 2-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (assisted as needed) or VERY challenging Ring Rows
Skill Work:
Perform 1-2 sets of 5-10 Strict Pull-Ups first to ensure your shoulders are properly warmed up,then practice Kipping or Butterfly Pull-Ups for 15 minutes. Come off the bar if/when your movement pattern falls apart. Perfect practice makes perfect!
Post work to comments.
Exposure 3 of 6
30 Minutes for Quality:
270m Jog
1:00 Sandbag Hold
50m Mixed Rack (Suitcase/Overhead) Carry
10 Perfect Push-Ups
Rotate through the movements at a low intensity/aerobic pace. If you wear a heart rate monitoring device, then aim to say below about 150 bpm. Otherwise, you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and/or hold a conversational pace. Really challenge yourself to stay in this zone on the jogs, even slowing to a fast walk as needed. The Sandbag Hold is in front of the body. Plenty of rack space today, so elevate the Push-Ups as needed instead of performing them from the knee.
Post work to comments.
Wondering what we mean by a “Perfect Push-Up”? You’re in luck. We have a video for that!
All Classes Cancelled This Sunday for Fittest of the Finest
All classes are cancelled this Sunday, June 23rd as we host the Fittest of the Finest Competition and Heath Fest. The whole block will be closed down for the event, and there will be lots of cool stuff happening. Come through! And don’t forget that you can get your fitness on at our new 4:30, 5:30, and 6:30pm group classes on Friday. Saturday’s class schedule will run as usual.
News and Notes
- You can always find any upcoming schedule changes over on our Schedule page.
- There are just a few spots left in the 2019 Iron Maidens Raw Open, our annual all-women powerlifting competition. Go HERE for more info!
What We Eat Now and Why It Has to Change Outside
4 Bodyweight Warm-Up and Cool-Down Mobility Drills BarBend
The graphics for fittest of the finest say it’s Sunday- is that when classes are cancelled? Thanks?
Corrected, the event is Sunday. Saturday’s class schedule is normal
Feeling a tiiiiny but stuck with my pull-ups. Need advice!
Week 1: 11 sets of 3 (33)
Week 2: 7 sets of 4, 1 set of 3, 3 singles to try to get more reps in…(34)
Week 3: 4 sets of 5, 4 sets of 3, 3 singles… (35)
A) Do I add weight to try to improve?
B) Do I keep working on trying to do bigger sets?
C) something else???
Whats your max strict pull-ups unbroken?
You’re doing overall bigger sets even though the total volume is the same which is good
Can you do 11 sets of 4? the following week and see if you can’t repeat the general set scheme with 1+ rep per set?
Im about to be coaching until 930 so wont be able to check in until later tonight or tomorrow
Thanks, DO!
Last week I could only do 7 sets of 4. Burned out. Today I really felt burned out after 4 sets of 5, and didn’t think I’d be able to keep going, so I switched to sets of 3.
Next week, I’ll give sets of 4 a go. I’ll shoot for 11 sets, but I’d be happy with 8 or 9!
Thanks for the advice!