Barbell Thruster
Warm up and work up to a heavy set of 7 for the day. Bar comes off the floor. The first rep can begin with a Squat Clean. You must maintain control of the bar throughout the set. This is a standard Thruster, and Jerks are not allowed.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 6
For Time:
Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
AbMat Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kate and Karina at the Crow Hill Open
Kate Tk. and Karina S. competed at the 2019 Crow Hill Open USAW Sanctioned Weightlifting Competition this past weekend, and you’re probably wondering how they did. You’re in luck! Here, in their own words, is how it went:
“Made a new weight class, qualified for USAW American Open series, got on the podium , and HAD FUN! A flared up knee made the last couple weeks hella stressful. I’m so grateful for the ongoing nutrition support from Coach Whit, PT work from Coach Kharpz, and programming and smart handling by Coach Frank. Got the total I needed from my second Snatch (48kg) and second (grindy lol) Clean and Jerk (65kg), and we were able to scratch my last attempt to give my knee a break. 4/6 and a 13kg improvement on my first meet. Super day with Karina and lots of new weightlifting friends. Really enjoying getting to know this sport. Onto the next one!”
“Meet report: it’s not about the numbers. It’s about seeing your friends succeed, being with people who support you, trying your best, and leaving it all on the platform (and watermelons). I love this sport and the people in it.”
Karina went on to attended a seminar with Dmitry Klokov that weekend.
Thanks for making CFSBK proud, Kate and Karina!
News and Notes
- ALL classes (including Yoga for Athletes and Active Recovery) are cancelled Saturday for the East Coast Gambit. C’mon out to the gym between 8am and 4pm to watch the action!
- Starting this week, we’ll be adding a 4:30pm CrossFit group class on Fridays in addition to the 5:30 and 6:3o classes we rolled out a little while back. This also means that Friday night Open Gym hours will now start at 4:30pm instead of 5:30pm. Get pumped!
The Thoracic Vertebrae and Other Thoracic Bones CrossFit
Is Red Meat Bad for You? BarBend
7am with Jess and Katie (1st time at 7am!)
Thrusters 135, then felt a spasm in my middle/upper back, and spent the rest of the time stretching and doing PVC thrusters.
Metcon 7:26 Rx – 30/10, 15/15, 20 on the WBs, wish I had done the 30 unbroken. Didn’t feel my back on this, so I’m hopeful this isn’t a big injury.
Congrats to my amazing strong friends, the dynamic duo up there!!!!
Congratulations to Kate and Karina- amazing.
all 5 of us at 10 AM with Jess, Tori, and tacos.
Thrusters up to 115#. almost a fsq and a press by the last reps.
Metcon RX in 7:07. 15/15/10 15/15 and unbroken for the wall balls.
Hi all! My blue & white drawstring bag with my lifters & jump rope is MIA. If you see it somewhere, could you kindly give it to the front desk or drop it in lost & found? Thanks!
While I’m here….
Thrusters – 113-123-133
WOD – 5:43 RX
Morgz, is this it?