Choose the option below that you need the most. As a guide, we recommend focusing on the strict work for at least a few weeks if you can’t yet consistently perform sets of 5-10 strict, unassisted reps.
Strength Work:
8-10 sets of 2-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (assisted as needed) or VERY challenging Ring Rows
Skill Work:
Perform 1-2 sets of 5-10 Strict Pull-Ups first to ensure your shoulders are properly warmed up, then practice Kipping or Butterfly Pull-Ups for 15 minutes. Come off the bar if/when your movement pattern falls apart. Perfect practice makes perfect!
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Exposure 2 of 6
30 Minutes for Quality:
2:00 Air Bike
2:00 Row
10 Low Bear Crawl Steps Forward
10 Low Bear Crawl Step Backward
10 Kettlebell Upright Rows
Rotate through the movements at a low intensity/aerobic pace. For the Upright Rows, choose a load that leaves just a few reps in the tank and allows you to perform them with no momentum. If you wear a HR monitoring device then aim to say below about 150 bpm. Otherwise, you should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and/or hold a conversational pace.
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Our in-house massage therapist Leah was recently featured in Escape in the City, a series that documents women who ride motorcycles in NYC. Watch it to learn more about Leah and see some footage from her recent powerlifting meet!
Book a Massage with Leah D. Today!
Are your legs and shoulders tired from that Snatch/Back Squat combo yesterday? We have some good news for you! In our never-ending quest to be your one-stop fitness shop, we’re very happy to offer massage therapy with Leah DeCesare, LMT.
Leah is a licensed massage therapist in the state of New York, where she was born and raised. A graduate of the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in 2009, she brings a decade of professional experience to her table. Shortly after obtaining her license, she earned additional certifications in sports and medical massage. She has worked in personal training studios, chiropractic offices, private studios, various gyms, community health centers, and at a variety of races and athletic events.
Leah maintains that truly skilled massage therapy has been the most effective modality for any physical ailments she’s personally dealt with, and has made it her mission to frame it in the larger discussion of physical rehabilitation. Her sessions are resolution-oriented, incorporating myofascial release, deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, ART, and rhythmic proprioception rebalancing.
In tandem with her massage therapy study, Leah is informed by her own experiences as a competitive powerlifter since 2012. She competes within USA Powerlifting and is a former New York state record holder in her weight class’s Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, and overall total in the raw open division. She has worked extensively with strength athletes since making lifting such an integral part of her life, so she understands common myoskeletal issues they often develop.
Monday: 9am to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 3pm to 8pm
Wednesday: 9am to 2:30pm
Thursday: 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 3:15pm to 7:30pm
E-mail Leah at leah.decesare [at] gmail.com to set up an appointment.
30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150
Cancellation Policy
Appointments cancelled within 24 hours are subjected to the full cost of the session.
News and Notes
- Today at 12pm (right after after Diapers & Dumbbells), we will be hosting a BirthFit pop up event! Lindsey K. Mathews, founder of BirthFit, will be giving a talk and doing a Q&A pertaining to prenatal and postpartum fitness, healing, and other issues. This is open to coaches, moms, and partners who want to learn more.
- ALL classes (including Yoga for Athletes and Active Recovery) are cancelled Saturday for the East Coast Gambit.
What If My Food Intuition Is Mangled? NY Mag
7 Punishing Assault Bike Workouts Boxrox
8am with Ro and Tori
Butterfly pull-ups are making progress! (Ro: “get dental insurance”)
Metcon was great – beautiful sunny day, ran 400m instead of rowing, finished 4 rounds and change.