Bench Press
4 x 8
Sets across. Use a slower down-faster up tempo. Add a few pounds to last week’s weight.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 6
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
12 Power Cleans 135/95
4 Push Presses
The barbell should be medium-heavy for you, with the goal of performing the Push Presses unbroken.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
The East Coast Gambit at CFSBK: T-Minus 5 Days!
We’re so excited to be hosting the first-ever East Coast Gambit right here at CFSBK this Saturday, June 15th from 8am to 4pm! We’d love for you to come out to the gym and watch this all-day, premier competition. You don’t want to miss this!
We are still looking for judges and support staff to help us run a smooth, professional event. We want you be a part of the inaugural Gambit! (Just think: you can tell your kids you were there.) It’s going to be a memorable and amazing event, but we need your help! If you can lend a hand, please fill out the form below. Staffers will receive event t-shirts and refreshments throughout the day. Judges will participate in a practice and info session prior to the event so that we’re all on the same page. Go HERE to volunteer.
Finally, please note that ALL classes (including Yoga for Athletes and Active Recovery) are cancelled Saturday.
News and Notes
- Man Repeller recently interviewed our own Stella Z. Check out “Inside the Fervid Mind of a Professional Crossword Puzzler” to learn all about her career as an elite puzzler!
- This Wednesday, June 12th at 12pm (right after after Diapers & Dumbbells), we will be hosting a BirthFit pop up event! Lindsey K. Mathews, founder of BirthFit, will be giving a talk and doing a Q&A pertaining to prenatal and postpartum fitness, healing, and other issues. This is open to coaches, moms, and partners who want to learn more.
LGBTQ Pride Month JSTOR Daily
5 Super Healthy Foods to Combat Iron Deficiency Boxrox
Still looking for recommendations for Seattle Crossfit Boxs to drop in on.
After the WOD on Sat with Cleans and snatching and the bearhug death grip sand bag and then the 63 pullups… my forearms where already feeling smoked before the WOD. It was supper grippy and my shoulder/scap was not happy from the Bench. I went light knowing all these things but it was still a struggle near the end. I did manage to chain the 4 push press together. I believe if I was fresh 7 maybe 8 rounds at 95 or maybe 5ish rounds at 135.
Today was 95#s and 6+ 5
8am with Lynsey and Lauren
Bench 145 4×8 (12 next week? ugh)
Metcon 4+8 Rx – got grippy, but was a good capacity test. Managed to stick with a 6/5/1 rep scheme, but got slower picking up the bar.