Bench Press
4 x 8
Sets across. Use a slower down-faster up tempo. Start light enough to add weight for a few weeks.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 1 of 6
5 Rounds for Time:
7/5 Ring Dips
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
40 Double-Unders
Modify the Ring Dips to Matador or Box Dips and the Doubles to Alternating Foot Steps or 80 Single-Unders as needed. The kettlebell should be medium-heavy and unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Upcoming Training Cycle Template
Training Cycle Dates: M 6/3/19 – S 7/14/19 (6 weeks)
Goals: Building off a solid base of low-end strength, we’ll be incorporating regular “For Quality” work in the form of bodybuilding-style assistance exercises aimed at balance and hypertrophy and aerobic recovery metcons aimed at—you guessed it—better recovery and improved aerobic capacity.
Bench Press + Metcon/Assistance Work
Weeks 1-2: 4 x 8
Weeks 3-4: 4 x1 2
Weeks 5-6: 3 x 15
Weeks 1-6: Varied exposures
Back Squat
Weeks 1-2: 4 x 4
Weeks 3-4: 4 x 8
Weeks 5-6: 3 x 12
Single-Leg Assistance Work
Weeks 1-6: Varied exposures
Pull-Ups + Aerobic Recovery Metcon
Choose the one you need the most…
Strength Work: 8-10 sets of 3-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (assisted as needed)
Skill Work: Practice Kipping, Butterfly, or Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups for 15 minutes (perfect practice makes perfect!)
Clean & Jerk + Metcon/Assistance Work
Varied exposures
Deadlift + Metcon/Assistance Work
Weeks 1-2: 4 x 4
Weeks 3-4: 4 x 8
Weeks 5-6: 3 x 12
Partner/Interval Metcon
Saturday Funday!
Unilateral Strength Work + Metcon
Varied movements and exposures
News and Notes
- What are your goals for this training cycle? Tell us in the comments!
- A friendly reminder: We are no longer offering Saturday and Wednesday Anti-Gravity classes. You will, however, still be able to sign up for cycles of Coach Ro‘s Anti-Gravity Strength. Stay tuned to the blog to learn about upcoming cycles.
Ladies Only: Nutrition and Training for Performance and Cramps Breaking Muscle
Virtual Reality Ayahuasca, a Review NY Mag
I really like the programming!
1- learn how to do butterfly PUs (or try to)
2- don’t miss Sunday’s unilateral work because I need it 🙂
3- work on ankle mobility before/after class at least 3x/week
Hi CFSBK friends and community,
This is my (and my husband Chris’s) last week as members…ahhhh! We’re moving to Chicago to be closer to family and just try a different pace and adventure. We’re actually moving with our jobs (working remotely), and we’ll move in with our in-laws while we apartment hunt. We’ll also be gym hunting, so if you have any favorite boxes or weightlifting clubs in Chicago or the burbs, please do share!
I am so, so immensely grateful for CFSBK. The last few years of being a member have been transformative. The coaches are unparalleled – you all seriously make me want to go to class and give such consistent, clear cues and coaching that have made a real difference. You’re also all absolutely delightful humans—I’ve loved getting to know you. The same goes for the community—you are all wonderful. I’ve never had gym friends before and suffice it to say the bar is now set very high. And in the first year of classes, one thing that got me past the “I’m intimidated!” hump was that everyone supports the heck out of each other; even as the ultra-scaled caboose of many WODs, y’all stick around for positive vibes and high fives at the end.
David, you built a really special place in CFSBK, which you know but I’ll tell you again. You train and treat your staff amazingly; the gym is always organized and clean; you introduce and tweak program offerings; you show what being a good coach is; you are smart around member engagement and knowledge-sharing; you make sure everyone feels like a part of the community. It’s so rare and I’m always proud to say what box I’m from when I drop in elsewhere.
Personally, I’ve developed healthier habits and understanding of how training should work and feel. I’ve been proud of PRs for lifts that I didn’t even know existed, and currently am most proud of my (easy?) 175# back squat two weeks ago because of how it took me nearly 18 months just to figure out how to squat to depth. I’ve actually wanted to go work out and drop into other boxes when I travel, which suffice it to say is the opposite of when I had my Crunch membership. And I like the physical and mental transformations that have happened…I feel strong and good about myself!!!
This week, my schedule will be just as unpredictable as always, but I know I’ll be in 5:30 or 6:30 class tonight. (There’s also a chance I’ll do the Gambit scaled, but it’s our last packing day…) I hope to continue creeping here on the blog and on social media, and I’ll drop in when I inevitably travel back for work or otherwise. And, I hope if anyone’s passing through Chicago you’ll let me know. Basically, this isn’t goodbye (I’m a really emotional goodbye-er so let’s all play it cool do it doesn’t get awkward), but it is a valentine to CFSBK at the beginning of June because we’ll really really miss you.
With love and gratitude,
Jen (and Chris)
I’m sad you’re going but Chicago’s great! Enjoy!
I’ve been to a couple of gyms there and really like Windy City Strength and Conditioning (formerly Windy City Crossfit). It’s a bit out of the city center (I want to say the neighborhood is called Lincoln Park?) but worth the trip IMO. The programming was smarter than most other gyms I’ve dropped into. I’ve been several times there and to River North CF and would pick Windy City in a heartbeat.
You will be missed.
I co-sign on Windycity… it’s in Ravenswood neighborhood of Chicago BTW
This cycle, maybe try to get some bench strength back. It’s really out of proportion to the rest of my lifts. I do get its all related to my neck issue but a guy can dream.
Hi Jen,
Best of luck in Chicago! Let me know if you need help with your apartment search, I can connect you with a reputable agent over there.
Just shoot me an email at
Best of luck!
Jen, Thanks for keeping the NESCAC pride high at CFSBK. You’ll be missed! Great working out with you.
Jen! (and Chris)
Thank you so much for the heartfelt write-up. CFSBK is the sum of its parts and and you guys have been an important part of our community in the time you’ve been here. As I always say, CFSBK is the home away from home for all alums who leave NYC, and you guys always have a place to train with familiar faces when you’re back in NY.
We will miss you!!! don’t be strangers!! See you tonight!
Jen!!! Will miss you dearly! Hope you will come visit frequently, love talking to you always xo
Our loss is Chicago’s gain. It’s been awesome hanging out with you Jen, and you’ll be missed! Please do drop in when you’re back in town…
You all are the best. Thanks so much for the helpful recommendations and well-wishes…we’ll miss you! And see you around the gym this week—gonna make that last week of membership COUNT!
My main goal this cycle is to really work on my pull strength and get consistent Kipping pull ups! Can’t wait!
Jen – we will miss you so much! I hope I get a chance to see you at the gym at some point this week.
It’s hurting my soul that I’m not there for day 1 of bench press! My favorite lift by a long shot.
But, I guess I did bench yesterday so maybe it’s not such a bad thing that I’m missing out. Dropped in at Fearless Athletics in Philly for their Lift class, which turned out to be a choice between powerlifting focus or Oly focus. Since I get plenty of the latter from Frankie I chose the power option, which meant benching with KBs hanging from the barbell. I’ve never done that before and I want to do it again! Definitely fired up some small muscles that maybe don’t work as much in the more stable normal bench press.
12pm Group Class with Coach Tori
Bench Press
Switched from Ring Dips to Matador Dips after the first round. Ive got some persistent tightness in my right trap and makes ring dips uncomfortable so I switch to the bar which felt fine.
8am with Lauren and Lynsey
Bench 135 for 4 sets of 8 reps, everything crisp, happy to be benching again!
Metcon 10:12min with 5 strict matador dips per round. DUs were surprisingly good today.
Excited about the new cycle, although curious how a snatch+squat day will work.
The days for me this cycle wont change surprisingly. Looking forward to the pull up work to work on more strict strength. Snatches still need improvement so working on those. Curious about the aerobic capacity/recovery day as well as that is an area that I also need improvement on.
Here’s to a productive 6 weeks!