Choose one of the following options and work on performing 4-6 sets.
A) Strength Work:
Strict Pull-Ups
Sets of 2-5 challenging reps (assisted as needed)
B) Strength + Skill Work:
2-3 Strict Pull Ups + 2-4 Paused Kipping Pull Ups
Pause with your chin over bar for a second (not quite as long as in the video) before pushing away to cycle into the next rep.
C) Skill + Stamina Work:
Sets of 5+ reps. If you have sets of 10+ regular Kipping Pull-Ups and want to work on the Butterfly then this is a good day to do so, and here’s a good Butterfly progression to work on! Stop if/when you lose rhythm. Be mindful of your hands.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 2
15 Minute Row @ R/16
Use watts as the metric and pull a split that allows you to maintain nasal breathing throughout.
Post work to comments.
Murph Day 2019 is less than a week away! So far 122 of you have registered, which is awesome. Can we make it to 140 by the end of the day? Go HERE to sign up for a heat! | Photo by Robert C.
“Murph” Is For Everyone
By Chris Fox
Originally posted on 5.23.17
Hero WODs are usually longer, harder, and heavier—more grueling than your average WOD. “Murph” is no exception. But “Murph” is also for every CFSBKer who wants to do it. As always, we have a scaling option that is appropriate for wherever you’re at on your fitness journey. Whether you’re going to do a full “Murph” or not, you can choose to perform one of the following options:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Partition the Pull-Ups, Push-Ups, and Squats however desired. The classic and most often-chosen version is “Cindy” style: 20 rounds of 5 Pull-Ups, 10 Push-Ups, 15 Squats. Many folks choose to split the Push-Ups up and instead do 20 rounds of 5 Push-Ups, 5 Pull-Ups, 5 Push-Ups, 15 Squats. If your Pull-Ups and Push-Ups are pretty strong, you might consider doing 10 rounds of 10 Pull-Ups, 20 Push-Ups, and 30 Squats (less to count!). Of course, you can also choose to perform the reps “Angie” style and do “Murph” as a chipper… or as Rx’d and wear a 20/14lb vest for the whole shebang.
Our standard movement scaling options are…
Run: Row or Bike
Pull-Ups: Ring Rows
Push-Ups: Knee Push-Ups
Squats: Squats!
We know that many of you can perform the movements as prescribed but may need to scale the total volume a bit. To this end, here are some scaling options:
1/3 “Murph”
33 Pull-Ups
66 Push-Ups
99 Squats
11 sets of 3/6/9
1/2 “Murph”
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Squats
10 Sets of 5/10/15 or 5/5/5/15
3/4 “Murph”
75 Pull-Ups
150 Push-Ups
200 Squats
15 Sets of 5/10/15, or 5/5/5/15
We encourage everyone to complete both 1 mile runs, unless an injury precludes you from running. It’s generally the large volume of bodyweight movements that need scaling.
How have you approached “Murph” in the past, and how will you approach it this year? Tell us in the comments!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Aerobic Recovery Day
3 Reasons Why No Two Squat Stances Look Exactly the Same BarBend
From Heart Patient to Lifter Starting Strength
I will start this with… This will be my 10th time doing Murph.
I have only ever done full Murph and last year I did it for the first time with a weight vest. I don’t encourage most to do it with the vest.
Unless because of an event or situation dictates it must be done in a specific order it’s always the pushup sandwich for me.
5 push ups. 5 pull ups. 5 pushups. 15 air squats. 20 rounds
I have tried various divisions and rep counts to try and save the pushups using whiteboards and complex math but it all comes back to being efficient for time and transitions. You are going to have to move a little extra breaking up things getting up off the floor to pull up and squat but it saves your arms*.
The pushups are what gets us all. We can always kip out another pull up or drop another squat but when the push ups go they are gone.
When I am in it, there are three things I think about. Two you can certainly use.
*1 Save your arms for the pushups. So if I have to do 3/2 or 2/2/1 to get to 5 later on in the workout so be it.
2. You can always do one more. Don’t look at the clock, don’t look at what anyone else is doing… just look inside and tell yourself do one more. Maybe you are tired, maybe things hurt a little but take a deep breathe close your eyes and do one more.
3. My Dear friend Kryn who we lost to PTSD 5 years ago.
That’s it. I think of it as the marathon of crossfit, it’s long, it’s a slog and it’s painful at the end but you can do it.
This morning I tried to learn butterfly pullups (Thanks Lauren) it was such a weird thing to try and break out of the kipping pullup. Row was cut short because of time but knocked out 2290 Meters with a 15-16 SPM in 12 minutes.
I’d love to join in on murph this year but will be solo parenting my 1.5 year old all weekend. Would have anybody else with kids want to do a babysitting exchange? I’ll watch your kids while you do a class and then we switch?
VEGETABLE CSA – are you on the fence about this? The vendor, Common Hands, is looking for a few more signups to make her minimum. It’s looking like every OTHER week will be the standard (a “half share”), so that’s a great way to participate without getting clobbered with a weekly delivery.
The pickup is Wednesdays at Brooklyn Boulders.
Sign up here: https://commonhandscsa.com/2019-brooklyn-csa/
If you want to talk about it, hit me up: mignyc at gmail dot com.
I’m glad there was a reminder in today’s post! I thought I had signed up but then couldn’t find my name on the sheet.
Any other intrepid souls want to join the teeny-tiny 8:30 AM heat? I’ll make the Bellinis after!
PS, this is going to be my first time ever doing it fully Rx. The last two years I’ve chickened out. I’ve been strong enough to do it Rx before, but either a) not skilled enough to do kipping pullups, or b) weighed considerably more than I do now, which means I was dreading it intensely.
I’m now strong enough and light enough that I’m not having existential dread about Murph. I don’t really care how long it takes me. The first mile is going to be slow and the second mile is going to be a limp or a hobble. In between I’ll do the “save your arms” rounds, my pushups will probably go to singles by like round 4, and who knows how long I’ll be able to knock out unbroken sets of 5 kips? TBD.
It’s gonna suck, and it’ll get done eventually.
I will be doing Murph in the true original way it was created. With a #20 vest, chipper style. It’s all about how you breaking everything up, smaller the better!
This is more than just a work out to me. It’s an annual gut check and slice of humble pie to make me grateful for what I have. I believe that no matter what style you choose it should the most challenging for you! At the end of the day it’s about testing yourself and seeing what you are made of. And above all, remembering to honor the fallen and what Memorial Day is truly about. Then go eat hamburgers and drink only American beers!