Warm Up
130m Jog
1-2 Rope Climbs or 4-6 Chin-Ups / Ring Rows (bring long socks for Rope Climbs!)
30ft Crab Walks
Partner WOD
In teams of 2 with one parter working at a time, alternate complete rounds of…
A) AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges 115/75
12 Alternating Renegade Rows (no Push-Up) 50/35
Rest 4 minutes, then..
B) AMRAP 12 Minutes:
12 Calorie Row
8 Box Jumps 24/20
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Week 7 of 8
Friday, May 17th: CFSBK Cornhole Tournament
An evening of friendly cornhole competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. All are invited! Please leave a comment on the event page if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up at the tournament.
Friday, May 17th at 7:30pm during Open Gym. We’ll have the cornhole boards set up periodically over the next few weeks so you can practice.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean and Jerk | Double-Unders, Push Jerks
Knee Position in the Squat Starting Strength
Are Mushrooms the Best Brain Food? NY Mag
@sustained effort:
200m row/ski
15 sit ups
10 strict hanging knee raises
x 3 rounds
Toes to bar practice – 1.2
@sustained pace
4 rounds:
10 TTB
rest 10 sec
15 WB – 20/10
rest 10 sec
270m run
rest 3 min
80-85% Aer:
1 mile run
5-10 min EZ cool down