Back Squat
3 x 5
Sets across. Add 5-15 lbs to last week. Final week of 5s.
2 sets of 5 across and a 3rd set for “max” reps (capped at around 15). Heavier than last week. Move perfect and leave a few in the tank.
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Exposure 4 of 8
3 Rounds for Max Reps/Cals:
1 Minute Double Unders
30 Seconds Rest
1 Minute Calories Bike
30 Seconds Rest
1 Minute Calories Row
30 Seconds Rest
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Next Weekend: Barbell Medicine Seminar at CFSBK
Join Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum for the Barbell Medicine seminar at CFSBK on April 27th and 28th. The Barbell Medicine seminar attempts to integrate modern medicine and legitimate strength and conditioning together to provide the background knowledge, coaching strategies, nutrition and lifestyle modifications, and personal form corrections needed to work with folks who may have common health issues. There are still a few tickets left. Sign up today!
Our lectures revolve around the most common health issues seen in both primary care by clinicians and in the gym by coaches. We’ll cover the background epidemiology, pathophysiology, and available treatments including training, nutrition, and lifestyle modification so that the attendee is armed with an arsenal of information to put into immediate practice. Lecture topics include:
- Exercise Screening and Prescription
- Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Nutrition and Supplementation Prescription
- Programming for Strength and Conditioning
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthiritis
- Testosterone and Endocrine Abnormalities
Practical On-the-Platform Sessions consist of real-time coaching and lifting practice by the seminar attendee with feedback from our coaching staff. The ratio of attendees to coaches is 6:1 so you’ll definitely get enough personalized attention.
The sessions include:
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
This seminar is directed at anyone to increase their knowledge base on common health issues, available interventions, lifting technique, and core strength and conditioning practices.
News and Notes
- Next Level Weightlifting Cycle is an Olympic lifting program focused on the development of the Snatch, the Clean, and the Jerk. Think of it as an Olympic lifting version of our popular Starting Strength Program cycles. During this 8 week cycle led by Coach Frank Murray, there will be a heavy focus on strength and technique. Class starts tomorrow. Details are here!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Press / Carry | Deadlifts, Box Jumps, Muscle-Ups
CrossFit Removes Footwear Restrictions at the Games Morning Chalk Up
Exercise Makes You Happier Than Money Business Insider
Stella says
Sooooooo sore for today’s workout. I guess 111 deadlifts at 135 will do that to a gal. I also came to NLWC last night although I kept things REALLY light because, yeah, deadlifts.
Squat: 180×9. Thanks to Ben for the encouragement, without which I probably would have quit at 8.
50, 60, 77 total reps in rounds 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The large swing in rep count reflects me gradually remembering how to do DUs with each round.
Fox says
10am class
Felt good.
Didn’t track the numbers on the Metcon 😶
Shawn Campbell says
7 am with Jess and Katie
Jess helped with my LBBS set up which has been uncomfortable lately and seemed to need adjusting. It made a big difference and helped me fear sets at 130 a little less than I anticipated. I repped out at 7. I might have had more in the tank but I was distracted by the sound of my pants ripping. Sorry to anyone who might have noticed – I didn’t mean to flash today. Did the WOD carefully pulling my shirt low as I traveled from station to station. It was a good day to have two sitting down moves. I wrote the wrong total on the board. It was 33/31/36. I just wrote 65 on the board. My brain was functionally poorly all morning.
joy says
@Shawn: Respect to your swoleness.
Stella says
Robert Underwood says
10am class with Jess and Tori.
BSQ partnered with Fox. I always like squatting w/ Fox as he’s 1) a great coach, 2) has great form, and 3) he’s almost exactly the same age as me and I admire how much more fit he is. Anyway, I did 245×5 for first few 2 sets and then felt like pushing it a bit and 250 for a rep out to 8.
I don’t remember my numbers on the metcon.
Charles Smith says
10 AM with Jess.
continued 5/5/5 progressions with 170 today, up from 165 last week.
Metcon Rounds: