3 x 5
Sets across. Add 10-15 lb to last week.
Halting Deadlift
3 x 5
Sets across. Pull the bar from the floor to a point just below the kneecaps while maintaining a consistent back angle. Your back should be more horizontal when the bar is at the knees than in a conventional Deadlift. Thus, your back will be working harder, and your lats will have to stay engaged to keep the bar over your midfoot.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 2 of 8
For Time:
AbMat Sit-Ups
Modify to Alternating Foot steps or Single-Unders as needed. Anchoring the feet is okay for the Sit-Ups.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Photos from 19.5 are now up on our Flickr account!
CFSBK Individual Open Leaderboard: Final Results
Congrats to everyone who participated in the 2019 CrossFit Open! On Friday, we posted the final results of our Intramural Team Competition. Below are the final rankings for the top 20 women and men at the gym, along with their points.
1. Coach KHarpz: 8
2. Coach Whit: 17
3. Coach Jess: 23
4. Sarah C.: 25
5. Camille C.: 33
6. Toni S.: 36
7. Elly C.: 39
8. Coach Lynsey: 47
9. Kayleigh R.: 49
10. Kimberly C.: 52
11. Rachel H.: 67
12. Kelsey M.: 82
13. Linda H.: 86
14. Kate Tk.: 90
15. Asha B.: 92
16. Stella Z.: 94
17. Allie C.: 97
18. Kristin C.: 99
18. Joy M.: 99
20. Mary M.: 100
1. Andrew T.: 7
2. Dan L.: 30
3. Vincent M.: 35
4. Greg C.: 39
5. Michael R.: 41
6. Pat C.: 44
7. Christopher L.: 58
7. James A.: 58
9. Pierre D.: 72
10. Dylan K.: 73
11. Coach Keith: 74
11. Bob S.: 78
13. Julian F.: 80
14. James F.: 89
14. Adam S.: 89
16. Jake M.: 90
17. Brendan B.: 101
18. Coach Fox: 107
18. Steve H.: 107
20. Paul A.: 111
A few fun facts: Pierre D. finished 215th worldwide in his age group. Bob S. finished 123rd worldwide in his age group. Coach KHarpz came in 1123 out of 140,133 women worldwide. 166 of you registered for the 2019 Open. Thanks for taking part and bringing awesome energy to the gym every weekend. Give yourselves a hand!
Check out the rest of the leaderboards here: Overall Leaderboard, Men’s Leaderboard, Women’s Leaderboard, Men 35-39, Women 35-39, Men 40-44, Women 40-44, Men 45-49, Women 45-49, Men 50-54, Women 50-54, Men 55-59. Women 55-59, Men 60+, Women 60+
Now that you’ve had some time to reflect on it, how did your 2019 Open go? What did you do well? What would you like to improve on? Tell us in the comments!
Weekend Schedule Changes
The following classes are cancelled on Saturday, April 6th when we host the Day of the Deadboys seminar in 597: 11am AG Strength, 11am Active Recovery, 12:30 Anti-Gravity.
Yesterday’s Results Board: “Danny”
Why Do I Put Off Doing Things I Love? NY Mag
Fat, Not Meat, May Have Led to Bigger Hominin Brains Scientific American
This year’s Open went well, although there were a couple of workouts where I could not continue due to skill limitations.
For this cycle I had to make some tough decisions on which days to come in as all of them looked appealing. Ultimately decided on working on Presses, Snatches, Clean + Jerk.
Pressing, as my upper body strength needs some work, and will (hopefully) lead to an easier time with handstand work.
Snatches, as it is a movement that I think i need to work on the most in regards to technique and increasing my load.
Clean + Jerk, more upper body work with the Jerk, and who doesn’t like cleans?
Additionally, I’m aiming for 5-10 min either before or after class of double-under practice, and working on pull-up progressions at home to increase my capacity.
Looking forward to the next Open in October!
Paused deadlifts at 205#. I have done paused DLs heavier but at this rep scheme the grip becomes a real issue. I used hook grip for all sets and my thumbs want to die now.
Annie in 9:13. This is about 30s better than when we saw her last in October so I’ll take it. I still wish I were faster at situps tho!
And to respond to the blog QOD:
Okay, okay, okay, I’m not sorry I signed up for the Open. In a lot of ways it was exactly what I expected: I did not get my first bar muscle-up, or my first HSPU, etc. On the other hand, I suppose there are still ways to surprise oneself without having one of those Open Miracles. When I think about the fact that I did 73 strict C2B chinups in 19.5, that’s pretty cool.
On the other hand…I REALLY hope that now that there will be a fall Open, that we won’t spend half the year prepping for one Open or the other in terms of SBK programming. I hope that, with 7 unique days of programming a week now, there will be room for those of us who want to bias strength more than we had been in the previous several cycles. For me, once a year is plenty, and I’d rather spend most of my time getting stronger at least as much as I’m getting more conditioned.
LOVE this picture. Great virtuosity of movement and effort by Jake and great shot by Josh. Always good when Yoda is coaching from behind.
10am with Lynsey and Brett
Deadlift up to 275, had 3 reps at 315 but regular hookgrip couldn’t hold on to it. Grated thumbs.
Annie 8:23 Rx, off by 13s from PR, multiple DU trips got in the way.
Off on vacation and business travel for the next 15 days!
As for the Open, no big surprises but I felt happy afterwards. Some things improved (DUs, C2B volume), other things didn’t (T2B volume, HSPU), and I didn’t get that MU (but feel significantly closer to it). I enjoyed the programming cycles leading up to the Open – I know some people were missing the basic strength lifts, but I enjoyed all the EMOMs and unilateral/weird work we did.
In the end, I got what I wanted: incremental improvement compared to my past self.
10 AM with Lynsey and Brett.
Loved the warmup series.
Deadlifts at 185.
Annie with 1/2 dubs in 8:13.
That’s 5 seconds slower than my best with 2x singles, so progress (?).
As for the Open, I felt very prepared this year- really liked both cycles leading up to it and was happy to stick to my plan during each workout. Switching to October will be interesting- 2 in one year a little daunting. Pull-up strength a major limiter for my performance.
mid afternoon solo – did the deadlifts and some other stuff but no Annie for me