WOD 3.18.19
8e Split Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts @22X2
4-8 Ring Dips @22X2
8e Side Plank Powell Raises
Modify the Dips to Matador or Box as needed.
Post work to comments.
Week 7 of 7
For Time:
12/9 Calorie Bike
24 Box Jumps 30/24 (feet must touch box)
36 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
GO, go, GO!
Post time and Rx to comments.
Neil celebrates Darren’s first Bar Muscle-Up in 19.4. Check out more photos from our most recent Friday Night Lights event HERE
Big Changes Ahead!
We have some exciting changes on the horizon here at CFSBK. Here’s what you can look forward to after the Open concludes:
- No more Rest Days! After some reflection and discussion, we have decided to move away from this long-standing tradition and offer 7 days of unique programming per week. To read more about the reasoning behind this change, check out our recent blog post, “The Death of the Rest Day.”
- Friday night group class! Starting March 29th we will be offering 5:30pm and 6:30pm CrossFit group class on Friday nights. We listened to your feedback, and this is one of the steps we are taking to better serve the CFSBK community and, most importantly, help you get your fitness on whenever you want.
- Earlier blog posts! This is a theme we saw a lot in your feedback, and we’re delivering. Starting next Monday, we’ll be posting the next day’s blog at 9pm. This means you’ll be able to see the workout before the clock strikes midnight.
- Finally a friendly reminder that Anti-Gravity classes have switch days and times. AG now meets Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 12:30pm.
With the exception of the last one, all of these changes will go into effect on March 25th. Thanks again for your feedback!
Yesterday’s Results Board
Got Post-Training Anxiety? BarBend
How to Do Your Scariest Tasks of the Day Zen Habits
I’ll excited about all the changes, great news for those of us with unpredictable schedules. Thank you guys!
Friday night classes AND earlier blog posts!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Thank you for continuing to be the absolute best!
YAY THANK YOU for the 9 PM blog posts!!!!! <3 <3 <3
7 AM with Laursey (Lynren? Rodsky?)
30# on the RDLs, which I TOTALLY FORGOT about the tempo on, d'oh. I think I did do about 2s on the way down just because I was trying so hard not to screw them up, but I definitely didn't pause at the bottom or top. Bad Stella. No biscuit!
4 ring dips/round. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do these, since I haven't tried max reps of matador or ring dips in a while. They were hard, but I did them, and I didn't cheat the tempo, either. Yay me!
Powell raises were hard. Got up to 7.5# on those.
I knew the metcon was going to be terrible, given its resemblance to a Strong Fit metcon. I knew the first box jump was going to be rough. But man, knowing that intellectually and then feeling like a toddler who's just learning how to jump are two different things. I swore out loud after the first jump. I told myself things would be a lot worse if I put the kettlebell down than if I didn't, so I didn't. 3:06, which I am delighted by — only 10s slower than Kayleigh!
But I lay down on the floor for at least as long as I actually worked out, and I still don't quite feel like a normal person.
Rodsky is my brother and dads nickname!
8am with Lauren
RDL 40#, up to 5 matador dips (ugh they pause at the bottom), Powell Raise 12.5#
Metcon 3:44 Rx took a few seconds before the first jump and before picking up the KB
8 AM with Lauren.
RD’L’s to 27.5, powell raises to 10#.
4 dips per round (4).
Much more stable on RDL’s today.
Metcon scaled to a 24″ box in 3:14.
Had it set for 30″ and failed my first two attempts miserably.
Normally I’d not shy away from a 30″ box. But this morning I saw 24 reps and decided that wasn’t for me. Eating shit on a box jump is about the worst, so I figured I’d stick to 24″ and blaze through them like the stud that I am. Didn’t go 100% on the bike, as per Lauren (thank you, Lauren) and after my 12 cals, sauntered up to the box, ready to make it my bitch. Took my first leap with confidence and HELLO LEGS! Why aren’t you following the rest of my body? It was the damnedest feeling. I’m not fatigued. My legs are not in pain. My mind tells them to do something. And they don’t. I’ve done humbling workouts. But this one was humiliating. I’m still scratching my head. I suppose I need to get on that bike more. 3:52 or some shit. Not even rx’d.
15# DB on RDL as that was what was out and I was too lazy to get heavier ones. 4 tempo dips on rings per round. Spicy. Side plank things with 10# DB – a billion times harder with my left arm than my right arm.
Metcon – 2:49 Rx. Took me about 10 BJ to find my legs and get to a quicker pace. KB swings felt oddly light at the end of all of this.
End of class foam rolling, heavily scaled.
19.4 recap!
Done on Friday afternoon so I could get to Queens for team practice. Have been doing a pretty good job of balancing my team training for the Mid-atlantic affiliate challenge PLUS the open! This year, I’m using the open as a booster for my competition training, and getting the workout right the first time without a redo. It’s so hard to stick to my guns come monday, because it’s super tempting to try and get a better score. But ultimately, the goal is the MACC, and if I miss a training day for the MACC on monday, thats unproductive. SO! One and done!
Super pumped up about how this went. 3-4 minute paced intervals have the tendency to make my pukey. BUT Ro and I have been tackling that for the past two months. I’ve built up a good deal of resistance to this tougher pace, so when this workout got announced, I was nervous about it, but definitely knew exactly how I was supposed to feel when I approached it.
3 RFT:
10 power snatch (65#)
12 BFB
completed with a tiebreak of 3:13. I held back on my burpee pace, did the snatches unbroken with a pause for a breath at the top. I felt pretty good when I finished the first piece, but was a little worried I blew it when I saw my tiebreak. I wanted to get somewhere closer to 4 min so I could hit big Bar MU sets. BUT luckily!! i was plenty fresh by the time the three min rest was up.
3 RFT:
10 bar MU
12 BFB
My sets of BMU went: 6/3/1, 3/2/2/2/1, 2/2/2, 4 QUICK! singles. This was a bar muscle up game for me. It’s the movement I understand the least in terms of capacity. So I played it conservative. I think i made the right call about when to drop and jump back up. No fails!
FINISHED in 11:40!!! Super stoked I was able to finally finish one of these workouts. I think this is one of my prouder open moments. Although I’m always happy with my open performances, I do always walk away feeling slightly frustrated because i’m just shy of clearing this or clearing that. And this time, i actually DID it. YUSSS!!!
Been working with that giant Rogue worm a lot in team practice. HOLY MOLY that apparatus is evil. I’m looking forward to the workout announcements, that thing BETTER show up. We’ll be ready 🙂
Congrats on finishing the workout KHarpZ!! That’s amazing!!
Also super pumped about the Friday classes and blog updates at 9pm!! Yay!!
WOW Katie that’s amazing!
thanks guys!!
Thank you for the Friday night lights group classes. I’ve been wanting these for some time. You guys rock.
Is Friday night OG still going to be a thing? Seems like space is going to be at a premium on Friday nights now.
So so excited for Friday night classes and Stella’s scream this morning at the box jump was everything.
Wow Friday classes, and no rest days, that is big news! I love it! Yay, thank you CFSBK.
Re:Earlier Blog Post
Could the workout for the StrongFit, Short Circuit, AG class also be posted the night before like the regular group class? I think a number of us use what the workout is for those classes to determine if we are going to that or the regular group class for that day.