Back Squat
Warm up and perform a few heavy sets of 5 reps. The goal is no misses, but use spotters on all work sets.
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Week 7 of 7
4 Rounds for Quality:
270m Jog (or 300m Row )
16 Mixed Rack Walking Lunges
8-12 Hollow V-Ups
8e Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Work up to a challenging set or two on the lunges and rows. Keep the V-Ups as strict as possible, scaling to Tuck-Ups as needed.
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April 27-28: Barbell Medicine Seminar at CFSBK
Join Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum for the Barbell Medicine seminar at CFSBK on April 27th and 28th. The Barbell Medicine seminar attempts to integrate modern medicine and legitimate strength and conditioning together to provide the background knowledge, coaching strategies, nutrition and lifestyle modifications, and personal form corrections needed to work with folks who may have common health issues.
Our lectures revolve around the most common health issues seen in both primary care by clinicians and in the gym by coaches. We’ll cover the background epidemiology, pathophysiology, and available treatments including training, nutrition, and lifestyle modification so that the attendee is armed with an arsenal of information to put into immediate practice. Lecture topics include:
- Exercise Screening and Prescription
- Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Nutrition and Supplementation Prescription
- Programming for Strength and Conditioning
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthiritis
- Testosterone and Endocrine Abnormalities
Practical On-the-Platform Sessions consist of real-time coaching and lifting practice by the seminar attendee with feedback from our coaching staff. The ratio of attendees to coaches is 6:1 so you’ll definitely get enough personalized attention.
The sessions include:
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
This seminar is directed at anyone to increase their knowledge base on common health issues, available interventions, lifting technique, and core strength and conditioning practices.
Spots are limited! Sign up today!
This Is America’s Original Extreme Sport Outside
Fundamentals Over Flash Breaking Muscle
12pm with Lauren and Tori
It was a pain in the ass to get to the gym today, Flatbush was closed most of the morning!
Started squatting, and when we got to 185, I felt a strain in my left-side abductor/hamstring/groin. Tried again at 135, felt it again, stopped squatting completely.
High pulls to 50lbs, rows to 90lbs, V-ups happened, and had some great runs in the sun (perfect weather). Decided against walking lunges to avoid aggravating my groin. Pretty frustrated, haven’t been injured in a while, and this was completely unexpected.
Felt good to squat again! Worked up to three heavy-ish sets of five for the day at 165-170-170. 20# DB for high pulls. I find these really challenging.
Did three rounds of the for quality work. Nice to run outside again! Lunges with 15# DB. Arms were super sore from yesterday – could barely straighten them. 12 v-ups per round. Rows with the yellow KB.