WOD 3.11.19
Every 3 Minutes for 5 Sets:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + 3 Front Squats
Warm up and open at a medium-heavy load, building as able. No misses.
Post work to comments.
Week 6 of 7
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
10 Alternating Arm Dumbbell Power Snatches 50/35
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
Short one today. Find a fast pace and try to hold on, aiming to go all out for the final minute.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Check out photos from Friday Night Lights 19.3, like this one of Roy C., on our Flickr account!
The Death of the Rest Day
For over 11 years, CFSBK has included 2 programmed rest days on Tuesdays and Fridays. Back at the dawn of CFSBK, the gym didn’t offer any classes on rest days—mainly because David was still working at Equinox, and there wasn’t anyone else to run classes—but soon thereafter, the concept of a rest day became baked into our programming ethos of balanced work and rest throughout the week. With our larger staff and more space, we were able to make split programming work on Tuesdays and Fridays while offering 5 unique CrossFit workouts each week.
After some reflection and discussion, we have decided to move away from this long-standing tradition and offer 7 days of unique programming per week starting Monday, March 25 to coincide with the conclusion of the Open. This change will make it much easier for our members to come to any class that makes sense for their schedule, not the gym’s. CFSBKers will be able to come in Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday now or Thursday/Friday/Saturday and get unique workouts instead of having to work around the rest day model.
Having these 2 additional days of programming will offer more flexibility in programming to work on things we don’t typically have enough time to work on, like mixed-modal aerobic work, more dedicated skill-work segments, mobility training, and more barbell lifting and assistance work. As always, we will work to make sure we offer balanced programming that takes into account joint actions, fluctuating volume and intensity, a balance of metabolic pathways in conditioning, and a comprehensive strength program cooked into what we do.
As always, we will share our training templates and intention with the community at the start of each cycle, and you can assess the schedule to see what days make the most sense for you, your schedule, and your training interests.
We Want Your Feedback!
We’re always trying to get better at what we do. If you have a minute, head over to the Feedback page and tell us about your experience at the gym. Your feedback helps us create a better environment for everyone who walks through our doors!
Yesterday’s Results Board
Ask a Swole Woman: How Sore Should I Be After Lifting Weights? Self
Greg Glassman on CrossFit’s New Direction Box Pro
Loveee this change even though I’m not *currently* in group class. Keep evolving and improving! 🙂
Sniff. I loved Rest Day. I could come in on Tuesday or Friday and do a workout that I had missed the previous day or that I was going to miss the next day.
But, as the Buddha said, all things change. Nothing endures. Move on. So I will.
Yeah, I agree with Samir. I loved being able to make up the Monday/Wednesday workout if, say, I had “Report Card Night” or some scheduling thing that messed things up… BUT! I’ll be excited about all the different workouts.
Question: Will we have to wait until Midnight the night before to find out what it’s going to be? Will we be able to choose…ahead of time?? I don’t mean to be a cherry picker…
Also, I just want to say MY SISTER-IN-LAW JOINED CROSSFIT!!! She lives *one mile* away from Crossfit Acadia in Maine, where I drop in when I visit. As a nurse, she recently said that not moving/lack of exercise is the “new smoking” and is just as dangerous to one’s health. I’m SO THRILLED that she’s giving it a shot!!!!
She went to her first foundations class at 5am today! And was showered and ready before her kids and my brother were awake– loved it! Absolutely amazing. If I have kids someday, I think a 5am workout would be incredible.
Anyway, I had an incredibly stressful and depressed week last week–just felt the worst. And it was so wonderful to set my mind right this morning as I completed my 6am Monday Morning workout. Wow! I love Crossfit! Even if work is as stressful as it’s been! Thanks CFSBK!! Bye!!! 🙂
I have the same question — with 7 unique training days, it becomes not cherry picking, but wanting to know which days best fit in with whatever it is you want to work on about yourself. As a 7 AMer I really appreciate having the advance notice since I sleep in till 7:30 on my rest days.
I do welcome any change that involves more barbell lifting. MOAR BARBELL!
I would also love to get more advance notice on the workouts too! Having it posted at least the night before would be great, and a week at a time would be even better. It’s been nice for me now that I do some night time classes that I know the workout ahead of time and can have a plan.
I’m guessing that, even with the 7 training days, there will still be 8-week templated cycles – so every Monday will be X, Tuesday will be Y, etc consistently over 8 weeks.
Even if we don’t know the specific metcons beforehand, at least we’ll continue to know the general pattern for that day.
Your box jumps were so on point! You got your feet right where you needed them to go from burpee to box jump seemlessly! I was so impressed and I saw you dig in and go for the finish in the last seconds. If that was any indication, I betcha this will be a great week for you!
I will also miss Rest Days and how I had worked my life around CFSBK’s 5-day training week. Alas, I’m excited to see what the new 7-day template looks like, and in particular if there will be set days for “lighter” (for quality, etc) work.
8am with Lauren
Clean complex up to 205, failed at 215
Metcon 2+18 Rx
What is this rest day?
LOLOLO of course. Hahahha, Toniiii
Greetings from Venice, Florida! Dropped into CF Nullis Terminus for today’s programming (and to judge my brother doing 19.3)
Clean work up to 215.
Metcon Rxd – 3.5 rounds
I’ll also miss the Rest Day, but am looking forward to doing CF 7x/week like Toni.
Really looking forward to how the programming will be updated- I think it will be important to understand how to plan out a week of workouts. Have loved the last 1.5 cycles- thinking about movement patterns instead of specific lifts and how they relate to neurological impacts longer-term has been really interesting and I’ve been very ready for the Open.
10AM with Brett and Lynsey. Clean complex up to 135, felt great at 125, meh at 135. Metcon with 35# = 3 rounds plus 4 snatches.
Why can’t we have programming for 14 unique classes per week? That way athletes could come twice a day, every day of the week and not have to repeat a WOD. (Asking for a friend. Her name is Toni.)
Does this mean we need to up our spend so we don’t miss out on workouts?
I feel like having the built in rest time is more fluid to the workout and recovery of the cycle. I get that there are people that can certainly train every day but that might lead to over training by some, I can also see times where the cycle has 6 things you want to do but can only afford to pay for 5.
But yeah all things change and change is good.
@ChrisFox, by my calculations you’ll be writing almost 29% more programming. You getting a raise?
How do I turn off comments?
I’m going to agree with Allie and say that I wish there was a 5am or at least a 530am class for us parents. Having two kids now I find it hard to get to class and when I do I feel selfish because I am leaving Monique with and infant and a toddler. A 5 am class would allow me to be back home before they wake up like Allie said. Now that it will be 7 days a week programming the FOMO will be extremely real.
I was killllling rest day.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! This along with the feedback forms has been enlightening. There will be a similar template to what we’ve been doing, everything will be laid out as we have been, will take the other feedback about early posting etc into account.
Also fun fact we’re gonna be adding Friday evening classes
YESSSSSS to Friday evening classes. Because I DO have a life 🙂
I should proof read more carefully…
12pm Class Today
Clean/FSQ Complex
Should have gone heavier!
3 Rounds + 8 Snatches as Rx’d
I jumped clear over the box every rep. Not sure of that’s cheating or being a badass 🙂
10 ghd hip extensions
15 jump squats
x 5 rounds
1 min row
1 min AB
x 3 rounds
B) Deadlift
1 rep 165# + red bands + 4″ deficit
C) Back Squat (high bar no lifters)
2 reps 150# + red bands
D1) Rear foot elevated split squat @3010 (6-8 reps)
40 x 8
45 x 8 x 2
50 x 8
I nearly died.
D2) Sumo Good Morning
123 x 8
133 x 8
143 x 8
153 x 8
E) RTW- easy movement
20 cal ski
10 alt prisoner step ups – 24″
20 cal erg bike
5 box jumps – 24″
x 20 min
3 rounds plus 16 cal on erg bike which I LOVE!!! Feels so smooth lol
Project ‘get a bigger deadlift’ begins… I’m going to feel this tomorrow, I fear!
If anyone finds a black iPhone in the gym, it’s mine!! I’ll get it tomorrow night! It was across the street from the main gym building…idk numbers!
Been meaning to say this about the feedback form itself (so I am giving feedback on the feedback form, is that meta or what?): I wish it were possible to enter your feedback or suggestion without having to answer so many other questions. I count 4 required questions and a bunch of nonrequired ones that people might feel like they should answer anyway, when sometimes all you want to say is “hey could we have disco balls in the locker room?”
And a piece of valuable feedback from Frankie tonight: Stop making personal judgments when I have a bad lift. Just think of it as a problem to be solved. Not “I sucked” but “What went wrong and how can I fix it?” Despite my attempts to quit beating myself up in general and remind myself it’s just exercise, I know I still get down on myself in Oly class still because it takes me so long to feel like I’m making headway. But hopefully thinking of it like a puzzle will help. I’m really really good at puzzles!
Read the blog mid work day and lots of lols in there:)
Although it will take time to adapt to the new schedule, I welcome the change. My social life and work schedule often times revolved around rest days. The change will allow more flexibility especially when I have to cover the building late or have an evening work event- two things out of my control. Will be tough to decide when to rest though. Hopefully I won’t skip out on days with certain movements (wall balls, cough, cough). Posting that on here to hold myself accountable.
I agree with the comments about posting workouts earlier. I would love to integrate more accessory work and sometimes don’t know what to work on for fear I’ll be overworking areas if they are repeated in group class. This is especially true when I do Bullet Proof because their workouts are short but pretty intense.
Love that there will be Friday classes.
Work is really busy with evening events and I have lots of deadlines so haven’t posted much in the last week. Kept up with the blog though and want to say congrats to Clementine!
Cleans up to 103. Everything moved well just didn’t feel like challenging myself and front squats felt heavier than expected anyway.
WOD Rx’d: 3 rounds
Didn’t think I would be able to do DB snatches because my elbow tendonitis so Keith showed me a way to warm up which helped. Had a little discomfort but just took my time. The way down bothered my elbow the most but was manageable and didn’t feel like I was going to get injured. I’ve been doing ultrasound therapy on it and hoping that will help.
Fun class yesterday! I’m new, so I had no opinion of rest day. I’m excited to see what’s to come!
Cleans & Squats Complex
1. 85
2. 95
3. 105
4. 115
5. 125
(Could go a little heavier next time)
DB Snatches & BBJO:
3 Rounds + 10 Reps
Oh, Rx’d the workout 😉
🤢🤮 lol
YES new schedule! Looking forward to working out on my preferred days rather than the gym’s schedule. Lazy Sundays here I come!