Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
Presenting the CFSBK Update Show with your hosts Coach Brett and Coach David! Each week they’ll recap the Intramural Team Competition standings and highlight the best individual results. Join us tonight starting at 5:30pm for Friday Night Lights as we take on Open Workout 19.2. Sign up for a heat HERE!
Envision Your Open
By Chris Fox
I’m writing from Oaxaca, Mexico, where Jess and I have been spending a few days away on vacation. Something came up this week on the LFPB Challenge Facebook group that seems to be good fodder for us to consider. The 4 statements below, which I’ve seen time and again to be true, can be helpful jumping off points for taking action or simply for reflection.
- What (and how) you eat affects how your body and mind feel.
- How your body and mind feel affects your performance.
- How you perform affects how you feel.
- How you feel affects what (and how) you eat.
See how that works?
If you’re doing the CrossFit Open, whether at Friday Night Lights or during a regular group class, your nutrition is one factor that will have an effect. Think about a few ways this could go for you.
What happens if I come into class______?
- Tired and hungry.
- Stressed out and anxious.
- Well fed and rested, anxious to do the workout.
- Hungover, still able to taste those three 3am slices of pizza.
- Still digesting that low-carb, double-fudge-chocolate-chip protein bar.
Even if you’re NOT doing the Open or don’t necessarily care about athletic performance, you can probably find some area of your life to relate this to.
Here’s an assignment to work on. You’re strongly encouraged to share if you’re up for it. Write a few sentences for each of the below. Tell someone you trust. Or post them right here in the comments. Or burn your answers after writing them!
Describe the worst possible scenario for an Open workout, for you. What are the 24 hours surrounding it like? What specifically happened? What steps did you take that made it so awful? How do you feel after?
Now, describe the best possible scenario for an Open workout, for you. What are those 24 hours surrounding it like? What specifically happened? What steps did you take that made it so awesome? How do you feel after?
Yesterday’s Results Board
Brianna Battles Wants to Keep Pregnant Athletes in the Gym Morning Chalk Up
The Olympic Lifts: Complex but Not Complicated? Catalyst Athletics
Saturday’s Programming
Open Workout 19.2
Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
15 Squat Cleans, 135/85 lb.
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
13 Squat Cleans, 185/115 lb.
If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
11 Squat Cleans, 225/145 lb.
If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
9 Squat Cleans, 275/175 lb.
If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bars
50 Double-Unders
7 Squat Cleans, 315/205 lb.
Stop at 20 minutes.
Post reps and Rx to comments.
19.1= great movements for me, totally boring.
19.2= terrible movements for me, looks totally fun. Crossfit!
Excellent rubric for thinking about both eating and performance. Have to work out my answers to those questions.
19.2 at 8 AM with Brett. I did come in under-rested, which unfortunately I couldn’t do much about (got home from a work trip at 11:30 last night, still have to work a full day today although I did go in a bit late). I don’t think that was really what stopped me today — it was a toes-to-bar-shaped wall. 😛
110 reps Rx. I had thought coming in that I would get to the 115# cleans, but given that I did all my T2B in the second round as singles, that wasn’t going to happen.
A couple of years ago, this result would have taken me to a really bad place emotionally. I’m obviously strong enough to do T2B faster than that, but I have not mastered the skill of kipping T2B. And man, if I had it, I could have knocked out that next round of double unders no problem, and then I would have gotten to see whether I could do 115# cleans under duress! But nooooooo, didn’t get that far.
Now I’m in a way better place and I can truly not be upset with myself for not being better at T2B. Instead, I can be genuinely happy that, although I never got past the 85# cleans, every single one of those cleans looked far better than they would have at this point last year. I kept the bar close to my body, I didn’t jerk my head back, and I think Frankie would have given me an approving nod if he were here. Whereas if I’d done this last year, I probably would have gotten the same number of reps but every clean would have been, as Jeremy lovingly puts it, a “nice reverse curl” where I don’t use my legs enough and muscle the bar up with my arms.
I’m not good at T2B because I haven’t chosen to spend the last few months getting good at T2B; I’ve spent the last 2-1/2 months working on my Oly lifts and it showed. And once I feel solid at those (like, someday when Frankie will let me snatch from the floor :P), then I can go back to committing to attending AG every week and getting better at T2B and C2B.
So, 110 reps it is. It’s just exercise!
Nice job Stella and thanks for posting! I am in the same boat, feeling like I *should* be able to do toes to bar, yet haven’t mastered them yet. I have been working on them, but am feeling nervous for the workout since I’m not where I’d like to be yet. It’s so great to hear that your work with Frankie is paying off and I love your mindset!
Now, spending a bit of time answering Fox’s questions…
The worst possible Open workout COULD have been one exactly like today’s. It would be one in which the programmed movements are moderate weight, at least at the beginning, but high skill. Or else something that I’ve never done before that requires both strength (got it!) and skill (don’t got it!), like bar muscle-ups.
What would make that kind of workout the worst, and what HAS made it the worst in the past, is that I let my thinking go to a place of “I should be able to do this why can’t I do this I suck at CrossFit waaaaaaaa!” And afterward, I put up my score and get upset when I see a lot of people whom I benchmark myself against at the gym surpass my score, by a lot, because they are better at high-skill movements than I am.
In other words, forgetting that it’s just exercise and how to keep competition *healthy*.
The best possible scenario for an Open workout for me is low skill, high weight. Say, deadlifts starting at 155, and box jumps. I’d turn off my screens an hour before bed (thanks, Precision Nutrition!) and drink plenty of water the night before so I get a good night’s sleep, I’d come in at 7 AM, Shawn would be my judge, and I’d pace myself from the beginning just like I did on 19.1. Then I’d have time for a good bit of foam rolling and patting myself on the back afterward 😛
Good job Stella and GREAT outlook! It’s hard to deal with the opportunity cost of focusing on one skill over another but you seem to have it in perspective!
10am w/Whit doing 19.2
111 reps RX
TTBs in singles the whole way, which felt actually relatively fast & safer for my shoulder since (like folks above!) I don’t have an organized kip and I lose time bobbing around trying to hang on. The DUs were all my trouble, as expected. I was chipping away reasonably until the last 10 which took almost a full minute. Cleans felt ~LOL~ heavy but moved, and then got 21 more TTBs in – these took way more time because my forearms/grip was fried. I suppose I could try again, if I cleaned up my DU act a bit I could at least get to the rope again in the second round BUT I’m also taking a hard look at the scaled version of this because it looks FUN, and I could use more than an 8min workout 🙂 This is going to be a really fun & exciting one for some folks. Go Jacked in Black!!!
8 am with Brett doing 19.2 – 81 reps
Once again I came at this with no idea as to what I’d be able to do. Yesterday I couldn’t even do hanging knee raises because it hurt my impinged shoulder. I had a good shesh with Katie following but when I saw the announcement I was crushed. Then I took a look at the movement standards and saw that we could switch and/or supinate our grips on the TTB and I was elated! I’ve never tried a TTB with anything other than a regular pronated grip. It turns out that I could work without aggravating my shoulder by doing a switch grip; left (injured side) hand chin up style and right hand pronated. They were still slow – no kipping/stringing but I hung on to the bar and got them in about 4 sets. Then the double unders, where were terrible and I had to single-single-double the whole way. This took me 6:24 in and I got 6 lifts in. I think I’ll try again tomorrow because now that I know what I know I can hopefully approach less tepidly. I have more lifts in me if I can beat the clock.
Very inspiring to see both Neil and Yoriko make multiple reps of their respective PR weights on those cleans!
Neil and Yoriko killed it!
Glad you were able to find a safe way to do T2B 👍
You guys! It’s the secret to 19.2! How did I not know this before?
(actually, it’s a very old joke that never fails to make me snort out loud)