WOD 2.28.19
4 Paused Front Squats (3 seconds in the hole)
6e Renegade Rows (no Push-Up)
8e Side Plank Powell Raises
Post work to comments.
Week 4 of 7
Every Minute on the Minute x 21:
1) 12/9 Calorie Row
2) 6 Dumbbell Thrusters (hold for a 3 count overhead)
3) 6 Strict Toes-to-Bars/Hanging Knee Raises
Do the entire workout at about 70% and aim to be consistent throughout. The Thrusters should be medium-heavy. For the Toes-to-Bars, work to minimize any swing on the way down.
Post work to comments.
Robert… Robert! Wake up… it’s time for 19.2!
Friday Night Lights 19.2: Sign Up Now!
Our 2nd Friday Night Lights event of 2019 goes down this Friday, March 1st starting at 5:30pm. This is a great way to take on 19.2 in a friendly, high-energy environment.
Go to the FNL Sign Up Sheet to reserve a space in the heat of your choice. Everyone is welcomed to participate; you don’t have to be on an Intramural team. But if you are on an Intramural team, get ready to throw down! The high fives will be plentiful.
We invite everyone to come out and cheer for your fellow CFSBKers. BYOB, if you’re into that.
The CrossFit Games website can be pretty hard to navigate, so we’re grateful to Coach Brett for creating these custom CFSBK leaderboards. Click a link below to how you stack up:
- Overall Leaderboard
- Men’s Leaderboard
- Women’s Leaderboard
- Men 35-39
- Women 35-39
- Men 40-44
- Women 40-44
- Men 45-49
- Women 45-49
- Men 50-54
- Women 50-54
- Men 55-59
- Women 55-59
- Men 60+
- Women 60+
You can catch the announcement of 19.2 tonight at 8pm!
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Starting this Monday, March 4th, we’re making some tweaks to our class schedule to better serve our community. Here’s what’s happening:
- Tuesday’s 5:30pm Strong Fit class will be dropped. You can still get your Strong Fit on Saturday mornings at 8am!
- Anti-Gravity classes will switch to days and times. AG will now meet Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Saturdays at 1pm.
Yesterday’s Results Board
Dani Speegle Is Absolutely Savage Morning Chalk Up
The Strange Story Behind Your Breakfast Cereal JSTOR Daily
Why does the Crossfit Games site add a year to my age? My birthday isn’t until June, dammit!
I can’t wait to
get 19.2 over withsee what’s in store for us this week.You Crossfit age is based on your age at the time of the games. It surprised me last year as well.
Maybe it’s too early for this, but does anyone want to do 19.2 with me on Monday morning? Or be judgmental while I do it?
I can. I am very judgmental.
gmail me: saragreenie
yay! email sent.
I wrote a weird little ode to what I’ve learned via CrossFit and strength cycle in particular on Twitter (I tweet a lot for philanthropy/worky things) in case anyone wants to read the thread: https://twitter.com/jenbo1/status/1101144878514425856?s=21
But seriously, I’ve really loved doing strength cycle and love everything about CFSBK…so glad it’s in my life!
Great share! Thanks! It’s a great reminder to appreciate all the life gains we get by chasing skill and strength gains.
What a bummer about Strong Fit, I enjoyed that Tuesday class (although it only worked for me once in a while). Sat 8am is just never gonna happen 🙂
8am with Brett and Tori aka BRORI
Front Squats up to 185 really focusing on a full 3s pause at the bottom (instead of a 3s tempo down). So hard to breathe.
Metcon happened. Thrusters up to 50lb, amazing how they get my hard rate spiked even with the pauses at the top.
12pm Group Class
FSQ @ 155lbs
RenRows @ 45s
Did 10 cals instead of 12…
Thrusters at 40lbs (or were they 45s? I can’t remember)
Great share! Thanks! It’s a great reminder to appreciate all the life gains we get by chasing skill and strength gains.
19.2…..LETS. TRUCKING. GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i’ve been wanting this repeat for years. this is my favorite open WOD. so far i dont feel like throwing up! so i think im off to a better start than last week. cant wait for FNL!
Victoria is awesome! Loved learning more about her.
Bench: 85-95-100
Swings @12kg
Fitness WOD @83# 5+2
C&J were unbroken and light. Played around with bringing the bar from OH directly to the floor so that part was a little wonky.
C2B were in 3s for the first three rounds, then 3-2-1.
FSQT: 93, 103×2
Subbed bent over DB rows @35# because of my elbow
Powell raises: 5#, 7.5#x2
Did the thrusters at 25#. Super light but bothered my elbow to clean the DB and also bothered my trap when doing the OH so stayed at this weight throughout. The pinch in my neck actually improved over time so think I just did something weird on the first set.
I can’t say I have strict TTB down anymore. Did a mix of knee raises and leg raises and did get a few strict TTB in the end- maybe I just needed to get a feel for them again?
Also- bring back Dave Castro and the media team. Have zero interest watching the Open announcements anymore 🙁
I will give this open announcement credit. The suspense of those ladies and Gerard (sp?) clearing those rounds at the last second had me yelling in my apartment. Was a good lineup with aussies and didn’t mine listening to their accents. But I think this workout is just fun to watch. I didn’t really like the last announcement to be fair
Lineup of aussies***
1) james newbury <3
2) pregnant Kara!
I didn’t make it to watching the workout. Was too annoyed by the announcement because it wasn’t clear what the workout was (I tuned in literally as they were saying it and they didn’t display it). Guess I should have given it a chance! I’ll go in with a better attitude next week. It is about the athletes anyway 🙂