Today is a scheduled rest/recovery day, but don’t worry! We are open and running on our normal schedule. In today’s CrossFit group classes, you’ll have the option of doing either yesterday or tomorrow’s programming, which can be found in the comments section of today and every Rest Day’s post.
March 31st: Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop at CFSBK
Put yourself in the expert hands of a certified Wim Hof Method Instructor to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method: Breathing Technique, Cold Exposure, and Commitment. Find out how you can utilize oxygen and cold exposure to optimize body & mind, and learn about the underlying physiology.
The intimate quality allows for ample personal attention, and feedback tailored to your specific situation. Whether you are looking to improve mental or physical performance, relieve symptoms related to an illness, or are just curious to find out what the Wim Hof Method is all about— a WHM workshop offers something for everyone.
The program generally kicks off with an introduction to the Wim Hof Method, and always includes a breathing session and an (optional) ice bath. At the end there is ample room for reflection, and the Instructor is there to answer questions throughout the workshop. (Wim Hof will NOT be at the workshop.)
Instructors have their own specializations, and there is some variation across the individual workshops. A detailed overview of the day is sent out upon registration.
If you have no prior experience with cold exposure, we recommend you finish your showers cold in the days leading up to the workshop. This may be overwhelming at first, but just try to relax, focus on your breath, and bring it into a controlled, steady rhythm.
Date, Time, and Pricing
Sunday, March 31st from 2:15pm to 6:15pm
Price: $125
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is suitable for everyone, but does require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy, or if you are epileptic. People with cardiovascular issues, or any other serious health conditions should always consult a medical professional before starting the Wim Hof Method.
What to Bring
- Warm comfy clothes
- Yoga mat (CFSBK has plenty you can borrow!)
- Bathing suit and towel (if ice bath bound)
- Open minds and hearts
Looking for a Sublet?
Paul A. is headed out of town for 3 months from April to July and is looking to sublet his awesome Prospect Heights apartment. Go HERE to check out the listing and feel free to send it to anyone who might be interested!
Yesterday’s Results Board
Weightlifting Phenom Mahailya Reeves, 15, Is Raising the Bar ESPNW
The Coachable Client Starting Strength
Wednesday’s Programming
8 Sumo Stance Dumbbell Good Mornings
80′ Single Arm Farmer Carry (each)
20s Palloff Iso Hold
Keep the Good Mornings light and perfect. Work up to a challenging set on each side for the carries.
Post work to comments.
Week 3 of 7
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
Deadlifts 225/155
Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
The Deadlift weight should be medium-heavy for you, something you could do a set of 10+ reps when fresh. The Burpee Box Jump is “Games Standard,” meaning jump out-jump in, then jump to the box before reaching full extension atop the box with control.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
Deadlifts 185/125
Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
The Deadlift weight should be medium-heavy for you, something you could do a set of 10+ reps when fresh. Stepping out and in and stepping up to the box is allowed. Choose the method that allows you to move the most efficiently.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
7 AM doing yesterday’s work with Lauren. I’ve both had a cold and been out of town for the past few days, so this was a good workout to get back into the swing of things with.
Worked to 165 on the squats and 15# on the row/rotation combo. Not easy!
WOD in 6:36 with 95# front squats and 5 ring dips/round. I think Frankie would have quibbled with how I cleaned the bar a couple of times. :/ I was trying to keep the bar close to me but forgot to get my knees out of the way. At least I can come to his class tomorrow and remind myself how to do this stuff again!
Also: Mahailya Reeves is the coolest.
7am working with Jess who is on the Intramural winning team.
Forgot to sumo my stance at first but worked up to 35#. Man oh man Palloff holds are the second hardest core thing to do. I’m not saying what the first is.
I like to carry like a farmer but I keep getting bruised! The jerry cans and kettle bells are bad on the legs and the dumbells got my hands. Did the cans only half way. 75# dumb bells were really tough on the grip.
The WOD!!! I’m excited about this because my honest answer to today’s QOD about irrational fears would have been the 20″ box, but I’ve been working on it and didn’t want to say it out loud and give myself another excuse to grab the soft, cushioned safety of the pylos once again. So! I Rxed the burpee box jump today!! I have not done this since Fight Gone Bad. They were pretty bad. No integrity in terms of making the burpee and the box jump related movements. That said, I managed 10 rounds plus 11 dead lifts with 135# and so it’s a good start to just grabbing the darn box from now on!
Thanks to Amanda Glover for the fear of the 20″ box support group! Thanks also to Stella who cheered me on so that I got 3 more deadlifts with 10 seconds to go.
I saw you on the wooden box and I was like “girlfriend’s facing down the beast!” Nicely done!
<3 <3
Haha I love to hear this Shawn!! And facing the 20" box with burpees on top of it is no joke. Looks like I'll be facing that today, too!
20 sec top of ring row hold
15 sec star plank – side
10 alt hanging hip taps
5 lateral box step ups – side
x 3 rounds
Butterfly pull up/kipping pull up practice
RTW – EASY movement:
1 min row/bike/ski/run
5 pull ups
1 min row/bike/ski/run
10 alt controlled pistols
1 min row/bike/ski/run
3 wall walks
x 3 rounds
D. EASY 5-10 min cool down
Excited for the Wim Hof seminar!!! Sign up people!!
Yesterday’s workout at the 7:30pm class
Box Squats
Worked up to 205x4x2 with a 14” box
FSQ/RMU metcon
Scaled the barbell to 115 which I think was the right move.
All squats and muscle ups unbroken
Fun one!
10am with Jess
Metcon Perf Rx 12 + 0 (just cleared the round of 12). Fun one, paced it well – didn’t redline until the last set of 12 BBJ (which were done in a 60s sprint!). Deadlifts felt great today, unbroken through 8, then 6/4 and 6/6.
4 wall walks
30 sec ring body saw
1 peg board ascent (subbed for end range hovers on L shoulder)
1 min AB
x 3 rounds
B)Close Grip Bench Press
TOUGH set of 4 in 15 min
should have had 4 reps at 140# but keith pulled the bar early on me on rep 3 ; ) bar path got a little wild and he started to reach for it, I yelled NOPE! as in DONT TOUCH MY BAR, but he thought that meant i didnt have it. I can see why he was confused i just couldnt talk and lift. Oh well! I benched a quick extra 140 after and it was easy. next time
C1)Hand Over Hand Rope Pull
50′ x 4; rest 1 min
getting better at this, started with two blues to begin and added 10# each time until last round. stayed with two blues and two 10s for last two rounds
C2)Strict Ring Dip
6-8 reps x 4; rest 90 sec
3×8 reps @ 5#, 7.5#, 10# respectively
1×7 reps @ 10# for last
D)@high effort:
DB front squats – 35#/hand
DB facing burpees
cal row
so hard! but paced best i could and felt better than last week, this combo is naaaasty
1 min ski
10 inverted shoulder taps
6 alt hanging hip touches
20 hollow rocks
10 slam ball
x 3 rounds
done, subbed slamballs for kossacks control on L side and hanging hip touch i rotated through bar CARs single arm hangs and one round of hanging hip touch, tossed in some more end range hovers/L sided blackburns for left shoulder too
B)Handstand Walk
MAX distance x 5; rest as needed
1) 54′
4) 18′ (gaave upppp)
mental commitment to max distance was shot after first one. stoked about 54 feet though! thats neat. surprise surprise i practiced an organized as perfect as possible handstand walk and it felt the best. gotta reinforce this as often as possible
C)L-hang flutter kicks
2 min – accumulate
so rough after GHDs yesterday, no chance i could do this unfortunately. I accumulated a 2:00 hanging knee tuck and did 12×10 seconds lmao. sad
D)Assault Bike
in 90 sec
18 cal AB
-MAX reps TnG PJ – 95#
rest walk 7-10 min
x 4
1) 10 reps (70-78 RPM) ~32sec to work on push jerk
2) 11 reps (70-74 RPM) ~ same same as above
3) 5 reps (66-72 RPM) ~25 sec, involuntary tears, and just overall death
4) 8 reps (64-72 RPM) ~20 sec, bargained pace for a faster cycle! definitely interesting to play with. good to know it can be salvaged, its obviously got nothing to do with my overhead, just pure system overload. hot damn this was a fun experiment.
holy hell. This was so hard and regardless on my mental collapse on round 3 im happy with how i was able to turn it around by the 4th. Its just an interesting miserable learning experience. Im glad im doing this, its so clear this is what i need to work on. NO SICKNESS! Only slightly nauseous. good sh*T
Had a couple of weeks of not feeling too amazing but i’m back at it again and committed to getting STRONG!
1 min ski
3 pPush up negatives
1 min row
1 min side plank – 30/side
x 3 rounds
Bench Press
1 rep 80# + chains
Hand over Hand Rope Pull
50′ x 3; rest 1 min
2 plates
3 plates
3 plates
Ring push-up
6-8 reps x 3; rest 1 min
3 x 8 reps
Standing Rope Tricep Extension
@2010; 10 reps x 3; rest 1 min
1 min run on AR
2 TGU – side – 12kg
1 min single unders
2 wall walk – slow and controlled
1 min row
10 ab wheel roll outs
x 5 rounds
34 ish
Might have done some extra work, like half a round extra because I might have been sort of chatting with Lynsey.
Why are single-unders so hard?!!