WOD 2.17.19
Every Minute on the Minute x 20:
1) :30 Jump Rope
2) :30 Double Dumbbell/Kettlebell Waiter Hold
3) :30 Reverse Bridge Plank
4) 10 Pike Press-Ups on Erg
5) Rest
For the jump rope, practice either Singles, alternating foot steps, or Double-Unders, in that order of degree of difficulty. Scale the Pike Press-Ups to Knee-Ins (like this but with feet on the seat of an erg).
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 7
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Push Press 50/35
10 Kipping Toes-to-Bar
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Push Press 35/20
10 Kipping Hanging Knee Raises
The Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Push Presses are done with two dumbbells. Aim to keep moving on the couplet with minimal rest.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
Coach Nick and his CRASH-Beasts, some of whom are pictured above, are in Boston today to compete at the CRASH-B World Indoor Rowing Championships. Good luck, CRASH-Beasts, and thanks for making our community proud! Be sure to show them some love in the comments.
Pilates Cancelled Today
Today’s 12pm Pilates class is cancelled. Still looking to do something other than group class today? Don’t forget that we offer 11am Active Recovery and 2pm Anti-Gravity.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Strong Parents, Strong Kids Breaking Muscle
Boys of Spring Players’ Tribune
90 sec cyclical
10 goblet jump squats
15 sec bottom of dip hold
5 elevated box step downs – side
30 sec hollow flutter kicks
15 sec top of dip hold
x 3 rounds
Ring Dip/Kipping ring dip practice
@high effort:
in 2:00 complete:
20 cal row
-MAX lateral burpees over the erg with remaining time
rest 2 min
x 4 rounds
5-10 min EASY cool down
Good luck Crash-Bers!!
Go Crash-B’s!
8 AM with KHarpz
-mashup of single and D/u’s
16k/16k/20k/20k on the front rack holds,
planks and pike-ups happened.
-Metcon: 4 rounds plus 15 @35#. All the grip(e)s.
Horrible but needed wrist cars after, plus triceps mash.
10am with Katie and Lauren
Up to 32kg on holds, those got 🌶. Everything else was fine, good mix of warm up and strength.
Metcon 4+10 perf Rx
Felt like I paced this reasonably well – if this was the open I had enough in me to finish that 5th round. DBs didn’t really got heavy until the last round, even though the push press was a bit akward throughout (left lags behind). Fun workout, reminded me of 18.1 which I enjoyed. Now my lower back is a bit 🔥 though, possibly from the DB swing clean motion.
A) Hang Power Clean
TOUGH set of 10 TnG reps in 12-15 min
wasnt feeling powerful today. but gave my best effort!
B)Power Snatch
TOUGH 3 in 10 min – FAST build
same same as above
C)@every 5 min complete:
25 DU
10 OHS – 80#
25 DU
3 RMU – unbroken
25 DU
10 DB snatch – 35#
25 DU
-EASY AB with remaining time
x 3 rounds
this went well at least! Everything was consistent except for the BMU. hands were just really slippery for some reason and i couldnt get a good grip. had a few times where i had to wait for the right pullup bar but when i had a good grip i was totally fine. I felt pretty fast here!
D)@HIGH effort:
in 60 sec:
15 burpee box jump overs – 20″
-max cal AB with remaining time
rest walk 7 min
this was good! still struggling to find my 90%. started to get the crazy eyes at the third one. dropped off a bit by last. 75-77ish RPM i think. transition was key on this one. had to set the pedals off juuuust right. was getting off the box around 45 seconds
That was really easy 🤮