WOD 2.14.19
3 Jefferson Deadlifts
6 Strict Toes-to-Bar / Hanging High Knee Raises
9 Single-Arm Dumbbell Presses
The Jeffersons and Presses are each side. Work up to a challenging set or two on each exercise. Jefferson Deadlifts are likely a movement you have not trained much so begin conservative and increase load as appropriate.
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 7
For Time:
Power Cleans 115/80
Push Presses 115/80
Kipping Pull-Ups
The load should be light for you and the reps unbroken on the fast end.
For Time:
Power Cleans 75/55
Push Presses 75/55
Jumping Pull-Ups
The load should be light for you and the reps unbroken on the fast end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Join the 2019 CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition!
For the 4th year in a row, CFSBK is organizing a friendly, in-house intramural team competition during the CrossFit Open. This competition aims to promote a healthy community rivalry and provide motivation for all Open competitors to perform their best each week! Participation is voluntary, and those who wish to participate will be split into balanced teams with team captains assigned by CFSBK management. Team scores will be compiled at the close of each week by the captains using an average team ranking. Last year, we had 122 CFSBK athletes compete in this in-house competition.
You may perform the workouts scaled or Rx’d, whichever is most appropriate for you.
The Open workouts will be programmed for Saturday group class each week, which provides team members the opportunity to complete the workouts on Friday and Saturday during group class or Saturday and Sunday during Open Gym. However, if you must miss a workout (due to travel, injury, illness, etc.), it won’t necessarily negatively affect your team’s score, because the score will be an average of top submitted scores for each week.
Intramural teams are encouraged to attend the same group class, wear matching outfits/t-shirts (we’ll assign each team a color), and trash talk. Teams will be invited to compete against each other every week during a super-fun, good-vibez, open-to-all Friday Night Lights event.
This isn’t mandatory, so if you want to do the Open workouts without joining the Intramural Competition, you can.
You must be officially registered for the CrossFit Open to compete in the Intramural Team Competition, so go here to sign up if you haven’t already! Be sure to select CFSBK as your affiliate.
Last year, we had 202 members register for the Open. That’s amazing, and we’d like to beat it this year. Right now we’re about halfway there. Can we get to 125 by the end of the day?
Your favorite gym (this one) was recently featured on the Brooklyn Creative League blog’s list “6 Gyms Within Walking Distance of Brooklyn Creative League.” As they say, we aim “to challenge and motivate all its attendees, striving to accept everyone for who they are.” Thanks, friends!
The Machine Stops The New Yorker
Eye Gaze Direction for the Bench Press Starting Strength
Dear group class, I hereby apologize for today’s QOD. It arose on Tuesday when I was doing class w/Jess and a song came on that I had just succeeded in getting unstuck from my head a day or so before. I whined about this, and Jess said, “Hey, at least it’s not the baby back ribs song!” Which then became Jess deciding “which earworm is worse?” would be a great QOD for today. 😂
Came into OG for my strength day. This went MUCH better than last week, since now that I know I can spread the work out across the week, I don’t have to do a monster session on Thursdays.
HBBSQ: 183×6, same as last week. I came in thinking I would add at least 5, but boy am I fatigued from the rest of this week’s workouts. I guess part of the problem is I haven’t had a full rest day in a while. Need to figure out how to work that in, especially with the Open.
FSQ: 163x3x5. This is heavier than last week, and felt that way.
Clean liftoffs: 133x2x5. I have to resist the temptation to treat these as a throwaway; they’re very light, but the point is to learn how that first pull feels at a heavier weight than I can currently clean.
Clean deadlifts from 6″ pad: 233×3. Heavier than last week, by no means as much as my legs can lift, but enough to make my thumbs mad at me. Time to start taping them!
10 AM class with Jess and Tori.
Moved Jefferson deadlifts on up : 135/155/2×185.
Hanging knee raises and
press: 25/27.5/2×30.
Wod in 11:24 @95#.
soooo grippy.
8am with Chris Fox and Tori
Jefferson squats up to 215 (these get very intimate), strict press up to 45lbs
Metcon 12:?? Perf Rx – first round in around 4:40min, mid-round everything went to hell. Was even awarded with a “no rep, do one more” comment from Fox in the absolute last rep in the workout (the 9th pullup). Sigh.
Did a bunch of strength stuff afterwards, and a nice little circuit at the end in which I did 30 unbroken DUs, which I think is my personal best.
Actually the “no-rep” was on what would have been your fifth rep in the nines…which is why I was saying “five more” when you came off the bar there…sorry!
Got DO to work out with me today!!! I wish i had a training partner all of the time. i got everything done so much faster!
EMOM 8 min:
2 seated box jumps – w/vest
20 MB mountain climbers
10 ghd hip extensions
1 min row
x 3 rounds
fun! completed 30″ box w/ 20# vest seated on 12″ box
B)Hang Power Clean
TOUGH set of 8 TnG reps in 12-15 min
-SPEED and continuous movement!
It was tough. stopped there but the set felt MUCH more attainable than last weeks 10s, i can for sure go up next time
C)Trap Bar Deadlift
TOUGH set of 6 in 15 min
250/300/315#x6, felt better once i got aggressive.
D1)Matador Leg Raise
8-10 reps x 4; rest 1 min – 2 sec lower
4x10hard once i got cued to lower slower!!!
D2)Cable Rope Crunch
15-20 reps x 4; rest 1 min
4×20 @ 40#
E)@every 3 min complete:
10 TTB
12 alt DB HPC&J – 35#
14 cal row
-EASY AB with remaining time
5 rounds
ohhhh i did well on this! Tried to hold off on going fast at first and then went for it in last 3. didnt have too much drive on the erg today but everything else felt great! 51-55 RPM on all “resting” periods