WOD 2.13.19
Every Minute on the Minute x 4:
1) 8e Alternating Cossack Squats
2) 8e Single-Arm High Pulls
3) 8e Split Stance Single-Arm Band Chest Press
4) :20e Side Plank
5) Rest
Work up to a few challenging sets on each exercise. Perform the Cossacks using a rig for support as needed. Doing them well is more important than doing them heavy. For the Chest Press, square your chest and hips up and resist rotation as you perform them.
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 7
A1) 8e Barbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
A2) 5e Renegade Rows (no Push-Up)
Work up to a heavy but doable set on each exercise, resting as needed between sets.
Post work to comments.
Vini gets emotional during karaoke. Check out more photos from the Community Potluck on our Flickr account. And hey, don’t forget to send your Potluck recipes to Brett [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com for our cookbook!
News and Notes from CFSBK Members
- Anise F. is competing in her first USAPL meet this Saturday, February 16th at the Murder of Crows Open. Head over to 919 Bergen Street to support her (admission is $10 at the door, cash only). Anyone else competing? Let us know in the comments so we can shout you out!
- My Body, My Jokes is a bimonthly stand up comedy show all about living inside these weird, gross, human-shaped bodies, and what they go through. As an antidote for Valentine’s Day, February’s theme is BREAK-UPS! Join host and CFSBKer Maria Heinegg and a group of hilarious comics as they tell jokes about the break-ups they’ve lived through, plus our relationship expert, Effy Blue, who will tell us everything we’ve been doing wrong in love. This months proceeds will be donated to Survived & Punished (S&P). S&P is a national coalition that organizes to de-criminalize efforts to survive domestic and sexual violence, support and free criminalized survivors, and abolish gender violence, policing, prisons, and deportations. Tickets: $15 in advance/ $20 at the door
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Sigurdardottir Shares Advice for Training Through Injury Morning Chalk Up
On the Origin of Darwin Scientific American
I liked this little 30 min highlight on Noah Ohlsen’s experience at Wodapalooza this year. A reflection of a good attitude and also summarizes the whole competition well! Although my weights were lighter and some skills were simpler, it’s amazing that I got to experience the exact same events, on the same stages, and even with a big crowd! I’ll always be thankful for that.
If you all have any other mini crossfit documentaries you’ve liked could you send them my way? I like to use them as motivation this time of year 🙂
Open in 8 days!!
Another good night at NLWC!
Cue that worked for me tonight while cleaning: Keep my gaze straight ahead. This kept me from throwing my head back (and taking my whole torso along for the ride), which is a thing I tend to do. TendED to do, I hope. 🙂