WOD 2.11.19
200′ Sandbag/Goblet Carry
4 Strict Chin-Ups
8e Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press
:30 Forearm Plank
Work up to a challenging set or two on each movement. The carry is in front of the body, bear hug or Goblet style. Use bands or add weight to the Chins as appropriate. For the Bench Press, the “resting” position for the non-pressing arm is locked out above the chest.
Post work to comments.
Week 2 of 7
For Time:
Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
Hang Power Snatch 75/55
For Time:
Wall Balls 14/10, 10/8
Hang Power Snatch 55/35
Lighter weights call for intensity, so try to push the pace and minimize your rest periods. Baller status for going unbroken!
Post time and Rx to comments.
James kicks off karaoke with a very special rendition of “Here Comes the Sun” at Saturday’s Community Potluck. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a special night, and congrats to Coach Brett on organizing another great event! You can see more of Robert’s photos from the evening HERE | Photo by Robert C.
The Open Is Upon Us
As most or all of you know, the 2019 CrossFit Open starts on February 21st, just a week and a half from today! The Open is a worldwide competition in which CrossFit HQ releases a workout (and a scaled version) each week for 5 weeks. Last year more than 380,000 people from all walks of life and all levels of fitness participated in the Open. For the 9th year in a row, CFSBK will be participating in the Open, and this post provides a quick rundown of how to sign up and participate.
How can I learn more about the Open and Sign Up?
Everything you need to know about the Open and registration info can be found on the CrossFit Games site. Make sure to register as a member of our affiliate AND our team (also called “CrossFit South Brooklyn”). We already have over 90 CFSBKers signed up!
Ok, I’m registered. What’s next?
Great! CFSBK will program the Open workouts every Saturday throughout the Open, which means you’ll have opportunities to perform the workouts during:
- Friday morning and afternoon CrossFit group classes
- Friday evening Open Gym as part of our “Friday Night Lights” events (open to all)
- Saturday at any CrossFit group class or during afternoon Open Gym
- Sunday evening Open Gym
Every Friday night of the Open, CFSBK will host a series of Friday Night Lights events. Anyone can come in to do the workout. We’ll help organize heats and judges and all the other stuff. Stay tuned to the blog for more info!
We’ll also be bringing back our Open Intramural League in which (if you so choose) you’ll be placed on a team of about 20-30 people. Your scores and participation will help your Intramural team earn points, and a victor will be crowned at the end of the competition (unless there’s a tie, which has happened). This is a totally voluntary, totally fun, and very low pressure way to add an element of camaraderie and friendly competition to the Open. You don’t need to be “good enough” or do the workouts as Rx’d to contribute points to your team. We’ll have sign up info very soon!
Member Survey & Intramural Opt-In (Super short!)
If you’re doing the Open, we want to get to know a little more about you so we can highlight and support members from different backgrounds and experience levels through the 5 weeks. Also, if you want to participate in Intramurals, we NEED you to fill this out to be on a team.
May the WODS be with you!
Call for Potluck Recipes
We LOVED all the delicious food you made for the Community Potluck. In fact, we loved it so much that we want to make a CFSBK Potluck Cookbook! If you’d like to be included, please email Coach Brett at Brett [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Yesterday’s Results Board
Saving Bully Breeds One Rep at a Time Morning Chalk Up
New Review Challenges the “Use It Or Lose It” Muscle Memory Notion BarBend
That photo!!! Thanks to everyone in the CFSBK family for an amazing pit luck. Xo
OMG James <3
7 AM with LauRo:
100# sandbag for all carries. Heard a rumor there's a 120# bag nowadays, even though I didn't pick it up today. Thanks DO!
BW, +5, +10, +15 for chinups
30, 35×2 for DB bench
For the WOD, I asked for a sub for snatches since I'm planning to come back for NLWC tonight. Be careful what you wish for. What I got was 32kg Russian KB swings (plus the performance WB weight/height). 6:01, and I wanted to puke for at least 20 minutes afterward. I STILL have Fran lung.
8am with Lauren
Sandbag carries up to 140lbs – those were a workout by themselves. DB BP up to 60lbs, chinups and planks happened.
Metcon 8:49 perf Rx
This should be in my wheelhouse but today, it was not. WBs 20/10 10/10 10, snatches 10/10/10 7/7/6 (!!) 10. Had a few mental breaks in there of “I just can’t do this anymore” and dropping the wallball or barbell before it was needed. I’m still sore from last week, and the sandbag carries didn’t help today.
Sandbag carries: 100 x 2, 140 x 2
DB Bench: 25, 30 35 x 3
Chin-up: BW x 2, +5 x 2
WOD: 4:55 Rx
Unbroken wallballs. HPS 30, 12-8, 10. I went against instinct to not break up the 30 and wish I had – lots of pauses and holding. Grip hit me two minutes after finishing and could barely make a fist.
Missed yesterday, so made up the movements in a more relaxed pace.
5 rounds NFT:
10 deadlifts at 185# (unbroken)
5 HSPU (often 2-2-1)
What a photo!
10 AM with Brett and Lynsey.
sandbag carries up to 100#,
DB press up to 40#. planks happened. Some pain
in my left elbow on the chins, so swapped out those for pullups (banded) which didn’t hurt.
Metcon Rx’d in 7:57 (not broomstick snatches).
wallballs 20/10, 10/10, 10. Snatches 10/7/7/6, 7/7/6, 6/4. minimized the breaks, which worked well. Fun one.
Hey CFSB Peeps. Who wants to sublet my beautiful, sunlit, recently renovated one bedroom apartment in Clinton Hill for March and April at a steep discount? If it goes to a CrossFit member or your pal, I’ll donate $200 in your name to the Brooklyn Community Foundation. Pics upon email request.
Enjoy the beauty of spring in Brooklyn while living in the heart of Clinton Hill for all of March and April (and possibly May) for only $1,800 per month including heat, hot water, electric, and gas.
My recently renovated second-floor apartment is heavenly: quiet, clean, bright, and spacious, with solid wood floors and plenty of morning sunlight. Luxuries include a dishwasher, laundry in the basement, a dining room table that comfortably seats 8, 2 mid-century antique wooden bureaus in the bedroom, and a 5-minute stroll to either the C or the G subway at Clinton-Washington. In addition to all-new kitchen appliances, I’ve added a toaster, French Press, stovetop espresso maker, electric kettle, and recycling bins.
The desk in the living room looks out over trees, leaves, and peaceful yards, and includes a laptop stand and a Canon b/w printer. The bedroom features a queen-sized bed in addition to the two large antique bureaus, both of which are empty expect for the 100% cotton towels and linens I’ve left for you. The bedroom closet and a hall closet will be empty as well.
It’s a terrific location, just a 10-minute walk to the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Fort Greene Park, or the Alamo Draft House, and just 1.8 miles to Prospect Park, Fort Greene Park, the Grand Army Plaza Central Library, and the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens. Fulton Street, a 5 minute walk away, is bursting with great local eateries, cafes, and markets, as well as dry cleaners, bodegas, etc. There are Citi Bikes right across the street.
Responsible, quiet, clean, non-smoking individuals or couples are welcome, as are well-behaved dogs 20 pounds and under.
While I’m looking for renters for March and April, the apartment can be ready for move in as soon as February 19th (pro-rated) and might also become available for May.
Proof of income, references, and first month’s rent plus a $100 refundable cleaning fee before move in; second month’s rent by March 15th.
Nancy Goldstein at goldstein.nancy@gmail.com or text me at 347 563 1647.
20 sec KB FR duck walk – 12-16kg/hand
3 floor levers
6 high lateral box SU
1 min row
x 3 rounds
this was fun, and my hip is getting better, gotta keep at it. so glad to hear from the PT(Joe) that he agreed with me that my TFL is just neurologically stiff. for no reason other than i accumulated tension with a lot of competition and less focus on slow/controlled stuff for my hips. no biggie and totally reversible! already feeling a huge difference and have some good cool down stuff i can do that he gave to me!
B)Back Squat
TOUGH 6 in 15 min
starting to see what you mean about hips under. my hips shoot back so easily. I have some good video here but wow rep 5 versus 6 is so ridiculous. 6 was way easier. I REALLYYYYY hope i can get the hang of this in the new training year. “91%”x6 seems good! also sound on for this video:
BRETT: “No its not!”
C1)KB Front Rack Tall Kneeling to Standing
8 reps/side x 4; rest 1 min
12kg ea hand for three sets
15kg ea hand for last.
made myself go heavier on the last i can totally do it all across. I was just so shaky at first! think im stilll shaking out the stressors from a tough family week. overall happy with this though. its perfect for what i need to work on for my hips!!! Joe was pumped about this drill. my tall and half kneel is a bit atrocious because i cant get full hip extension
C2)Single Leg Soreson Hold
15 sec/side x 4; rest 1 min
FINALLY got it with a further back setup. hard!
D)@sustained effort:
2 min ski
40′ yoke walk – TOUGH
2 min AB
10 DBall over shoulder – 80#
rest 2 min
x 4 rounds
Yoke weight: 325# FELT SO BADASS AND SO FUN, anyone know what weight the individuals use at the games? I want something to shoot for.
rd 2: my airpods accidentally called someone named “Wu” when i was doing medball cleans. I must have left a really odd grunting voicemail due to medball clean noises. at the end i also said “Who the heck is Wu?!” whoever Wu is they are going to get a kick out of that voicemail. Needless to say, i did not get that split time written down. LOL
mad at myself i had to rush and be non focused through this. i tried my best to get the splits down but honestly im just feeling thankful i got all of the work done. i think i was shocked by how much the yoke affected my system on the bike but i really shouldve known that. thought for sure i could hold 60-62 RPM but no dice. more like 56-58 RPM
A1)4x50ft hand over hand rope sled pulls: heavy
A2) 4x50ftea mixed rack carry (53# ea hand)
B)Hang Power Snatch
TOUGH set of 10 TnG reps in 12-15 min
-SPEED and continuous movement
Accidental fail at 105 on rep 7 and didn’t give it another shot. I think that’s there no problem on a better day. Didn’t want to push it, snatch strength is a bit underdeveloped due to dumb thumb injury i had (and is STILL slightly lingering ugh)
C)Hang Clean
TOUGH 3 in 10 min – FAST build
Body woke up here! Cleans felt awesome STOKED about this PR hang clean triple!!!
D)@sustained effort:
25 DU
rest 15 sec
10 OHS – 80#
rest 15 sec
25 DU
rest 15 sec
3 RMU – unbroken
rest 15 sec
25 DU
rest 15 sec
10 DB snatch – 35#
rest 15 sec
25 DU
rest 15 sec
rest 3 min
x 3 rounds
E)@HIGH effort:
in 40 sec:
9 burpee box jump overs – 24″ on fat soft boxes UGH. i hate this
-max cal AB with remaining time
rest walk 6 min
3.1/4.2/4.7/4.7 cals