WOD 2.10.19
80’e Mixed-Grip Carry
8e Hollow Position Alternating Leg Raises
4 Ring Rows with a 4 second hold at top
8 Band Good Mornings
Work up to a challenging set or two on each exercise.
Post work to comments.
Week 1 of 7
For Time:
Deadlifts 275/185
Handstand Push-Ups
9 Minute Cap
You should be able to complete sets of 5-10 reps of each movement to Rx this workout.
AMRAP 9 Minutes:
9 Deadlifts 185/125
9 Strict Dumbbell Presses 35/20
The loading should be medium-heavy and allow for you to do at least one set unbroken.
Post time and Rx or rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
April 27-28: Barbell Medicine Seminar at CFSBK
Join Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum for the Barbell Medicine seminar at CFSBK on April 27th and 28th. The Barbell Medicine seminar attempts to integrate modern medicine and legitimate strength and conditioning together to provide the background knowledge, coaching strategies, nutrition and lifestyle modifications, and personal form corrections needed to work with folks who may have common health issues.
Our lectures revolve around the most common health issues seen in both primary care by clinicians and in the gym by coaches. We’ll cover the background epidemiology, pathophysiology, and available treatments including training, nutrition, and lifestyle modification so that the attendee is armed with an arsenal of information to put into immediate practice. Lecture topics include:
- Exercise Screening and Prescription
- Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Nutrition and Supplementation Prescription
- Programming for Strength and Conditioning
- Low Back Pain
- Osteoarthiritis
- Testosterone and Endocrine Abnormalities
Practical On-the-Platform Sessions consist of real-time coaching and lifting practice by the seminar attendee with feedback from our coaching staff. The ratio of attendees to coaches is 6:1 so you’ll definitely get enough personalized attention.
The sessions include:
- Squat
- Press
- Deadlift
- Bench Press
This seminar is directed at anyone to increase their knowledge base on common health issues, available interventions, lifting technique, and core strength and conditioning practices.
Spots are limited! Sign up today!
Anti-Gravity Cancelled
Today’s 2pm Anti-Gravity class is cancelled.
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Tell Me About the Planetary Health Diet NY Mag
New Adaptive Fabric Cools Down as You Heat Up Scientific American
Best.potluck.ever. Thanks CFSBK! Special thanks to Brett Ferguson!
AG is cancelled today.
Sorry to have missed the potluck!
Gigantic 10 AM with Fox and Lauren. Did the Fitness rep scheme with the performance deadlift weight, since I figured 125 was not going to be challenging, and got 7 rounds even. I wish in retrospect that I had also upped the DB weight because basically I spent this entire workout doing deadlifts, and the strict press was a rest period.
It was nice to pick up a heavyish barbell in group class. I hope we do that more often this cycle!
The potluck was amazing! Everything about it. Great job Brett & everyone else who had a hand. Including Russel because the gym was so spotless it looked like an A+ rated NYC kitchen!!!
Thanks again for the great time! <3
Potluck was fantastic yesterday – really fantastic food, and some amazing karaoke performances! Congrats to Brett, David and CFSBK!
1pm with Lauren and Lynsey
Worked up to 70lbs on the overhead carry – I find those to be a lot of fun. Practiced false gripping the ring rows, learned that I can only keep the false grip for 3 reps or so, it starts slipping away.
Metcon 15-12-9 DL@275 and strict HSPU to 2 abmats: 9min on the dot. This wasn’t a fun deadlift weight to do 45 reps of, and I really didn’t feel like pushing my luck today.
Had a lot of fun hanging out at the potluck last night! Thanks to everyone who contributed such delicious food — I had a great meal 🙂 And much appreciation to Brett for all his hard work, everyone who volunteered, David, and yes definitely RUSSEL for cleaning the gym not just once but twice!!!!
9AM group class
worked up to 45# OH / 20kg KB farmer carry. felt like a good shoulder warm up for the HSPU
WOD in 7:59 RX’d. not a blazing fast time, but I’m happy with how I executed for the day. Diane is not my jam. I think I played this one right for where I’m at.
DL 8-7-6, 6-5-4, 5-4
HSPU: 6-4-4-4-3, 5-4-3-3, 4-2F-2-1 — I think that’s how I did it
I think I started my 21 HSPU around 1:15 and I heard fox call 3 minutes when I was heading into my last set of 3… so about 2 minutes to chip away through those.
Should have spent some time in the strength portion of class warming up my HSPU and the kip. I didn’t feel too dialed in right away and I know I could’ve been staying tighter and using my hips better from the get go.
2:00 ski erg @ 2:30 pace
50′ yoke carry (+100# so… 295# total?)
5 strict pull-ups (3-2)
50′ yoke carry
12noon with Lyns & Snicks!
NFT work was just what I needed – first time doing those carries, super challenging. Stayed at 25# overhead and worked up to 20kg farmer. Happy with my position on the leg raises.
Fitness WOD: 8rnds RX
I’ve been getting to NLWC on Mondays totally fried from weekend WODs, so tried to treat this as a recovery day, so kept this light but fast. Felt good but those presses totally added up quick.
Potluck was amazing, best so far!
Warmed up in a flash to get today’s metcon in. 7:11 Perf Rx with strict HSPU. That was ruff.
Nice to read the love for Russell, who works his a** off to keep the spaces as clean as they are on a regular basis. SO much happens behind the scenes to make events like this go off as well as last night did. Kudos to Brett for all the organizing, wrangling of free beers, and being the driving force behind the sexy new mood lighting we use 🙂
We mentioned this in AR today, but can Russel be the next Better Know A Member?? He’s such an important part of the CFSBK community, it’d be great to learn more about him and give him some shine!
Without his magic, cfsbk just wouldn’t be the same!!! I’ve never seen another gym that sparkles quite like this one 🙂
The potluck was incredible!! Great job to Brett and everyone else!
Carries with a 20kg KB and a 35# DB overhead.
Fitness WOD @165#
DLs: 5-4 except the last 6 where I did 3-3
Press: Unbroken and fairly fast except the last round
Took my time because I didn’t want my lower back to blow up. It’s possible that I only did 6+6. I can’t remember if I marked my last round on my whiteboard. When I do the math, 7 rounds makes sense because it took me three minutes to do the first three rounds and I kept a very consistent pace.
Yesterday: 26:45
Partnered with Bea and Theodora. Subbed 24kg swings for the double swings because they bothered my right elbow- even at 8kg.
All movements done in sets of 5