WOD 1.16.18
For Time:
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
9 Overhead Squats 185/125
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
15 Front Squats 185/125
50 Russian Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
21 Back Squats 185/125
Barbell comes from the floor. Load one barbell. Scale as needed using a load that allows you to do the squats in 1 – 3 sets per round. The goal is no failing, but be sure your area is clear.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Week 6 of 8
Cash Out
15 Minute Row
Hold a stroke rating of 16 stroke per minute for the entire piece, and a split that feels moderate. You should be able to breathe through your nose the entire time and keep your feet out of the straps. Sit tall and relaxed in the catch and focus on a smooth recovery stroke to return to that position.
Post work to comments.
Dr. Mike is looking to link up with fellow health professionals, so now is a good time to revisit CrossFit HQ’s video “The Docs,” which is about our very own Drs. Mike and Judy!
Calling All Health Professionals: A Message from Dr. Mike
CrossFit continues to campaign on a variety of healthcare issues on a national level. But there are also important local issues that call out for participation. I’m reaching out to find interested members with a healthcare background (nurses, physicians, social workers, etc.) or who are just interested in activities/issues related to healthcare. All are welcome. Here are some of the issues for this local medical collective to learn more about and work on, including:
- New York Health Act (single-payer legislation) and national themes, such as Medicare for All
- Develop links with CrossFit Health, our national counterpart
- Developing an outreach program to the local Brooklyn medical community
And more. Please contact me at mcutaia [at] gmail.com to let me know if you are interested.
February 2nd: CFSBK Kids’ Night Out!
Do want a night off for yourself and your kids? Of course you do! So sign up for our CFSBK Kids’ Night Out on February 2nd! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
What: We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch a movie on our big screen.
When: Saturday, February 2nd from 4pm to 8pm
Who: Kids ages 4-12
Cost: $60 per child with a 50% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided.
RSVP Required. Email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids [at] gmail.com. Space is limited so RSVP soon!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
The Hook Grip Starting Strength
Proper Breathing Brings Better Health Scientific American
WOD: 12:21 Rx. Woof.
OHS: 4 – 3 – 2
FSQ: 11-4
BSQ: 12-9
KB unbroken. Failed the push press overhead initially going into the last set of OHS – definitely didn’t warm up my arms and shoulders enough going into this and wish I would have practiced some push jerks ahead. Shorted my 8th rep, but otherwise hit depth.
Rowing and catching up with JB.
RESPECT. That Rx weight seems a million miles away to me right now. (Okay, not really. But at least another couple of months with Frankie.)
7:43, 16kg bell, 83#
Wish I would have gone heavier. 🙁 or faster. Ugh. I feel so bad sometimes. I don’t push myself hard enough. All unbroken, but took some pauses/ breaths during fsq & bsq.
The rowing was a good workout— my butt and hamstrings were actually working super hard. Tried to get my pulls 3:00 or under every time, which is good for me… Avg was 18 s/m.
I had absolutely horrible sleep (2 3 hours blocks) and it showed in the WOD.
It also go really grippy in the second round for me.
9:06 with 105 and 24kg bell.
It was all about the OHS which is hard enough for me as it is not coming from the floor or under duress.
The front squats I did not put the bar down but did take a few breaths standing in the rack position every 5.
The back squats I did break into 2 sets and put the bar down but I did them more like air squats in terms of speed. 11/10
The row added up near the end on the hamstrings. I had it on meters 2881 was the final count. Thanks to Lyndsay playing some movie sound tracks to keep us from falling out of rhythm.
10am group with brett + tori
WOD in 11:14 RX’d
1. My main goal for this workout was to stay calm and not freak out.
2. Second goal was to snatch the weight into my OHS and do them unbroken.
1. mostly
2. yes!
KB swings: 50, 25-15, 15-15
OHS: failed my first snatch. then snatched and did the following 8 reps unbroken
FSQ: 5-5-5
BSQ: unbroken. 10 reps as a set, then just a bit slower with a couple breaths between reps through the back half. proud of myself for not losing my mind.
Biggest issue in the workout was that the L side of my back freaked out HARD. It’s been on edge ever since the DL workout @ 225 last week. It’s been tight with some referred gripping feelings wrapping around to the front of ribcage and abs on that side. I felt it start to clench up in the second round of swings, which is why I broke. The front squats definitely made it work, so then it was spasming/cramping a bit on the last round of swings. Had to actually walk to the side and stretch it out and breathe for a second.
Will pay more attention to it in the next few days and hopefully get things to relax back to neutral. It’s just the nature of my asymmetry I think; heavy hinging just takes a big toll.
15 min row: averaged 2:30 split for first 9 minutes, then down to 2:23 for the last 6 minutes. Avg 17 s/m. 3056m.
15 min cooldown and back relief — a little mash, rotational drills on the floor, some cross body ab work
10 min, sustainable pace:
6 cal assault bike
6 SA OH walking lunge, L arm (35#)
6 SA OH walking lunge, R arm
2 ring muscle ups
5 rounds (done at 9:52)
RMU felt great so I decided to test a max set … got 6 REPS! My previous max was 5, so I’m super stoked. Then did 2 more sets of 4 after some rest. woot!
10 AM with Brett and Tori.
Squat WOD in 8:41 at 105#.
KB: 30/20, 25/15 and 20/10.
OHS: unbroken
FSQ: 9/6
BSQ: 12/9
I thought about going heavier but 115 felt very squirrely warming up.
Rowing: 3374 meters, 240 calories: good hamstring work.
This workout was hard, painful, fun, fun? sure, fun!
Whats the deal with Corn nuts?
NLWC, not my finest two hours. Got into my own head a little too much. :/
Wish I could bottle some of the magic that was happening last week!
First metcon after a week off. Wasn’t sure what weight to choose but knew I didn’t want to go too hard. Settled on 83# and did it at a steady pace in 7:21. Everything unbroken but drank from my water bottle, chalked up, and took a few seconds to set up the bar each round so def didn’t push it. Paused a few times on the FSQT and lots on the BS. Breathing was definitely the limiter.
Row was mentally challenging trying to keep a 16m/s pace. Pulls could have been harder.