Power Clean
In 10 minutes, work up to a heavy Power Clean.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
100 Single-Unders
10 Power Cleans 95/65
5 Strict Presses 95/65
5 Rounds for Time:
50 Double-Unders
10 Power Cleans 135/95
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
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2019 Dogs of CFSBK calendars are here! We’ve got 53 calendars preordered and ready for pick up, but we also have some extra ones available for a donation of $30. All proceeds benefit PupStarz Rescue, a non-profit founded and run by our own Robyn O. Get yours at the front desk!
New Year’s Schedule
Happy New Year! We’re here to help you end and/or start the year right. Here’s what’s happening over the next couple of days:
Tomorrow, 12/31 (NEW YEAR’S EVE)
Class Schedule:
6am CrossFit
7am CrossFit
8am CrossFit
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am Diapers & Dumbbells
11am Fit 55+
12pm CrossFit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
4:30pm CrossFit
5:30pm CrossFit
6:30pm CrossFit
7:30pm and 8:30pm CrossFit
4:3opm CrossFit Preteens
7pm Next Level Weightlifting Club
Starting Strength
Tuesday, 1/1 (NEW YEAR’S DAY)
Class Schedule:
9am – 10:30am Yoga, Mindfulness, and Intention Setting Workshop
11am CrossFit
12pm CrossFit
1pm CrossFit
2pm CrossFit
10am – 3pm Open Gym-only Membership
Everything else!
Yesterday’s Results Board: WODurday
Sleep Deprivation Might Be Holding You Back at the Gym GQ
Top So-Called Expired Items That Are Still Perfectly Good in 2018
5 strict knee to elbow
30 sec reverse plank
5 rotational scoop tosses – side
3 kick to glute bridge
X 3 rounds
Bar muscle up practice
@sustained effort:
3-5 BMU
Rest 10 sec
15 bjsd – 24/20”
Rest 10 sec
10 kB snatch – side – 20/16kg
Rest 2 min
x3 rounds
5-10 EASY cool down
Is there a 10am group class on New Years Day? I know it says there is above but it’s not on the actual calendar on the schedule page so just wanted to confirm. Thanks!
Happy new year, friends!
Good catch, Ariel. NO 10am CrossFit Class on NYD. Ive updated the schedule and post.
9-1030 Yoga/Mindfulness
11,12,1,2 CrossFit Group
I’m going to be trolling the blog when i post with this COOL NEWS! My cousin is headlining at Caroline’s Comedy Club Next Tuesday at 7:30pm. It would be AWESOME if I could rally a CFSBK crew to get tix and join me.
He’s an NYC bicycle tour guide by day, comic by night. Many customers have described him as “the best (and only) tour guide with a stutter in New York City.” lol! He’s also my cousin, which is also neat. His bio and link to tickets are below.
Promo Code: stutter
I was a little nervous to clean today without Frankie watching me! Pretty sure I was reverting to not-great habits during the WOD, although I did try to keep the bar close to my body.
Worked to only 103 in the first 10 minutes. I’ve done more for reps with Frankie but I was really paranoid I was doing it wrong and I tend to get really messy as things get heavy.
Fitness Rx with DUs in 11:25. Always did the cleans as 9-1, to give myself a chance to catch my breath and not break up the strict presses.
Power Clean: 113
Attempted 118 and basically just did a high pull and then time ran out sos didn’t attempt again.
Fitness WOD with double unders: 11:52
Glad Lauren convinced me to do the fitness version because I’m feeling a little under the weather today. Double unders were decent. I did them in 2 or 3 sets and most of the time purposely stopped to break into sets.
Hang Cluster: 113
Failed 118 twice. Wasn’t using my legs enough and couldnt PP the 118. Bar also got out in front of me.
Jackie: 10:19
:50 slower than my PR which didn’t surprise me. Fitness is hard after multiple days off and lots of cookies.
Row: 4:34
Thrusters: 20-10-10-10
Pull-ups: 6-5-5-5-5-4
Had to break up thrusters more than expected. Think my shoulders were fatigued from the previous day.
Thursday’s WOD done on Friday:
6+12 Rx’d
Thought I could maintain sets of 4 on the TTB but couldn’t because snatches were so grippy. Good to know!