WOD 12.26.18
Every 4 Minutes for 8 Sets:
10/7 Calorie Row
10/7 Hand Release Push-Ups
3 Back Squats
Aim to move at 85% on the Row and Push-Ups, while building to a challenging load on the Back Squats over the 8 sets.
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Week 4 of 8
Cash Out
5 Rounds Each Side:
30-Second Side Plank
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Today’s Schedule
Class Schedule:
9am Short Circuit
10am CrossFit
11am Fit 55+
12pm CrossFit
9am – 1pm Open Gym-only Membership
4:30pm CrossFit
5:3opm CrossFit
6am, 7am, 8am, 6:30pm 7:30pm, and 8:30pm CrossFit group classes
11am Diapers and Dumbbells
4:30pm CrossFit Teens
7pm Next Level Weightlifting Club
Starting Strength
There’s No Such Thing as Conscious Thought Scientific American
Fixing a Lifetime of Back Pain with Barbell Training Starting Strength
So much fun working Christmas yesterday. I had my powerpoint presentation for the workout including three different slides, an on point Christmas playlist and most of all awesome members to work with!
So much fun yesterday working with these awesome people (and more not pictured) I had my power point presentation on the workout, Christmas jamz playlist on point, it was awesome! Maybe I’ll make this a christmas tradition for me!
stupid internetz
André LOL
Cannot wait to be back home. I went to a globo gym today and I have hives from the experience.
Hi! Is there short circuit on 12/31?
Oooo, inquiring minds want to know.